Anderson Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson, Indiana

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4 Th Andanon Harald Saturday July 4 1153 vULy DEMAND OB SECURITY Year after year thanks to popu OBOBOB CIUTTQriKMOUL BmMI u4 Maa fit Claaa IW SATURDAY MORNING JULY 4 1953 £Jito rials bulle and Raymond Gram Swing such help from any one I feel onlyl opt it enclosed Letters should be a great jurist as Judge LearneiiPir In 1 cups he may honestly brief nd written in ink Owing A would doubtless won in Saturday Radio Programs Now IBB Nw jMutl Moiwdy Trait Shepherd GW Orek and Choruo Broadway' Best OrcK ill uV gTgEUMi: probe such devoted as Bishop Bromley Werprets The News tried these help solve to the large number of letters re ceived only a few can be answer ed here No reply can be made to queries not conforming to in structions Address Dr William by proceeds of Drew Pearson Says: Dec laration of Independence might be among books burned today Amerirans still aren't familiar" with Declaration of Indepen dence founding fathers would be shocked at Senate probe of churches Wwsfwffl TKwsalrto toe Gilbert eta OuMt Star Data OrcK Dance Orth Man of th Wek 1 LShow Bvinett Irok The Bank Shiit If Bich Mil orode eature Movie rtux A BUCK Staosory BDWDI A BAXLEY Tsmmhs Hand and such a devoted pastor as Dr APowell Davies They would be grieved to learn that a congressional committre had reached into the churches Io plague and churchmen Ox am And they der whether a Senator McCarthy would not have demanded the burning of those stirring pamph lets with which Tom Paine roused the colonies to action Would that passage of Paine's ye that love mankind! Yet I hat dare to onnose not only the tvrannv hot the tvrant Would that not be con sidered too radical? Would it not have to be burned? Would it not be in contempt of the Senate? Melody Troll Sum Brown arad of lota arad of lota 3 00 315 5 30 goal Jefferson then sought for us but we have reached it We have taken other great steps forward But those words written by the 56 men of courage and wis dom whose anniversary we cele brate today any form of government becomes destruc tive of these have not been honored by certain senators of late The tyranny of distant British masters was what Inspired those the fight of search and Seizure the invasion of the home was what caused bur founding fathers to rise up in righteous wrath What would they think of the burning of the books the fet tering of official minds today Oron Oto Ota Pond Oto Ota How far back people have been thinking upon the problems which affect us today is afforded by Jonathan Travels" written in the 18th century as a political satire The expression ''making two ears of corn grow where one grew or two blades of grass was used in the book In an account of a visit to Brob dingnag a land of the giants Lemuel Gulliver the hero says in speaking of the king: he gave it for his opinionthat whoever could make two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow tipon a spot of ground where only one grew before would de serve better of mankind and do more essential service tq his country than the whole race of politicians put together" Jesui was the great est Applied PiychotegisL Aad his method adsptiag moral precepts to the everyday seeds of the people to being imitated beautifully by Rev Steele and thousands of ether moders elerics with as drastic subpoena power over modern day Americans as the British had pVer co*kmial set tlers: is now demanding to know what books are on State Depart ment shelves by sugh authors as radio comjnentators Elmer Davis ttowt Codto Tab made Morlen rta ef Eta Swift also took a fling at the of his day who seem to have been much like ours In describing a series of academie ln Brobdingnag Gulliver contrive new rules and methods of agriculture and building and new instruments and tools for all trades and manufacturers where by as they undertake one man shall do the work of fen A palace may he built in a week of mater ials so durable as to last forever without repairing All the fruits of the earth shall come to maturity at whatever season we think fit to choose and increase a hundred than they do at present with inumerahle otljer happy pro posals The onlv inconvenience is that none of these project are yet brought to perfection and in the meantime the whole country lies miserably waste the houses in ruins and the people without food or clothes By all which in stead of being discouraged they are fifty times more violently bent upon prosecuting their schemes driven equally on by hope and de American Saying: Watch those thoughts get you down the drinker the drinker must visit inveitigate and go again or stay away without ny persuasion by any one Vlseln any event the drinker will meet there only others like himself or herself who have gone through precisely what he or she is going through and therefore understand the problem Still another aspect of the pres ent day demand for security is exhibited with Increasing fre quency these days as in this communications: you state that home is the safest place to hive a beby I would like to know the expected Morning Matinee tamtoo Matinee See Carnival rd of Eta New BHi ntas' awi Thall the summer Supt rank Jessup said Thurs day troopers will not be permitted to shed their ties and loosen their shirts during torrid weather1 "We don't want to sacrifice thejr ap said Jessup "T' I 1 i i 1 nvJtzsro 3 i either just quoting from the man uscripts of the Old Testament Oh he txk his text therefrom on several occasions but he adap ted general Biblical rules to the specific life' of his day So he went about DOING GOOD He fed the hungry and healed the sick and interpreted the Scrip tures to fit local problems That is exactly what Rev Steele and some 1500 othep priests and clergymen every year are now doing when they order these psy chology bulletins in quantity for use in their parishes Many of them give several of the sex and marriage bulletins in a plain white envelope to every bride when they perform a mar riage cerenjony Others use the Scales for on Sunday nights for their entire congregations They may employ the for And for th support of thl Declar ation with a firm reliance on ih protection of Divio Pr ovldencor we mutually pledge to each other our Live our ortune our aacred honor The Declaration of Independence July 4 1779 transfusion quick consultation wouia seem that a great deal of equip ment would have to he transported to home in a Van (SS) Sir you give me a quite a turn! I neve thought of those hazards when our children were born Come come young man your wife will be safer having her baby at hom'ji'lhan she would be in any hospital The need for oxygen transfusion and consultation with this and that specialist arises chiefly in the you noticed? (Signed letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene not to disease diagnosis or treatment will be answered by Dr Brady if 't stamped self addressed envel Gotd Got St leu ledl Goton Drok IGqlon In Nw lt' hind lt't rntnd Otata Central Startoa Associated Press News Analyst By ROBERTS JR Associated Press News Analyst All across America housewives shut off electric washing machines turned electric refrigerators to settled big food hampers into luggage compartments or just took off empty handed with their families for the heavily laden ta bles of their favorite resorts Amprira it miffht almnct be literally sahHhat no person a tuckily he was not entranced' lb hungry or uncared for was cele brating one of the greatest herit ages in the its heritage of freedom Up from behind the Iron Curtain rose the us our children" from our backs the indus trial stretch out" us be men no automatons" But the America ing world reminder fought for WBM TV a Channel IATUS0AY A Mr Wiiord ited a number of the buildings in the restored city and returned to Rep Bushey read a few more of these and then delivered the most mortal insult that could be hand edto any columnist He said: does seem that you are run ning a daily column here some thing like This proved to be "all Dr Evans could stand He took a pledge be fore the subcommittee then and there to give up columning Once again nearly 160000000 Americans unite celebrating their national the 177th anniver sary of the establishment of the United States of Amer lea as a free and independent state Little did the handful of men that met together in Philadelphia in 1776 realize that their handiwork would be a nation as vast and powerful as ours Little did they appreciate that they were doing far more than found ing a republic that they indeed were producing a whole new political philosophy a new and revolutionary way of life Those familiar life liberty and the pursuit of must have fallen into the world of 1776 with all the impact of an atomic bomb Look for a mo ment at the world picture as it appeared to the men in PhiladcIphiR 177 years ago today: Great Britain' the mosf democratically advanced of the major world powers was still a nation dominated by its aristocracy with nothing 'resembling genuine rep resentative government rance soon to struggle with its own democracy was still subject to the autocratic whims of the Bour bons still to endure the excesses of a band of blood thirsty atheistic revolutionaries Vast enigmatic Russia was deep in ignorance pov erty and absolutism China and Japan were still lands of vir tually isolated from the Western world Latin America With its teeming millions was still awaved by the iron will of the Spanish conquistadors The outlook for democracy in 1776 lq short was not exactly encouraging Certainly there had been at tempts at political reform from time to time But the f)ld WAV of lif ftlwavu had nrvnilpd Alwav fhnf ic until the menat Philadelphia breathed the spark of life into their dream of a brighter future The Declaration of Independence of not create a new nation Rather it precipitated a long and costly war in which the men who spoke of freedom found it necessary to fight for freedom as well But the United States of emerged from that war thirteen free and independent states Even then their plight was 'far from resolution or the freedoms eachmf the states ctemandecl for Itself came fearfully close to denying freedom to all of them After a few years of near war and of actual bloodshed among themselves they again sent their representa tives to Philadelphia this time to form a more per fect union and to become at last a federal union one one people This concept of federal union ope nation out of many states one people out of many as the New most monumental contribution In less than two centuries that concept has seen the influence of this nation extend far beyond the 13 fiee states far beyond the 48 states of today or the Declaration of Independence was a declaration of world leadership leadership that confronts and challenges us today and tomorrow How far the whole world has come since 1776! But how far have we yet to go before the day when those unaliable rights are within the grasp of alb men until all creatures of God are capable of living together in dignity and peace An anniversary is always a challenge whether it entails observing 25 years of marriage or 177 years of statehood Never ha? the challenge more serious than it is today But never has it been more worthwhile And has it afforded a surer opportunity for greatness III loylond USA IM laylondUSA jU Rayland USA Georae Dixon's WASHINGTONSCENE (CopnW 1IM rfn da Bntare as SximS el ConrM Marab BubtatBtta RATI: By carrier aa waak Me By mall My able la advance two yaaro 11 00 eno year flM aU menta A Btraa amatha one month 1M Outaida et Madiatm and adjta ln aoubtlaa la Indiana and beyond Indiana ana year 1AO ata moottm MM throe aaantha MOO ano month (IM MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED HISS The Aaaoeialed Praea to entitled eacluafraly to the uao for aubltaboa of all the local nowa printed in thia nevopaper ea van aa all A aatra dtopatehaa such as breaking his arms legs and portable if necessary I do not like anybody muscling info my racket not even Mrs Ro osevelt But 1 feel even more strongly about amateur competi tion Supplied enough funny stuff like this Evans for nothing editors are liable to develop a thrifty streak In scaring the librarian nt Con gress out of my territory Rep by the Supreme Court to attain theiBusby did resort to the methods i once so popular in ms home town of Chicago He made no mention of taking Dr Evans for a ride not even in the Senate subway train He threatened economic sanctions Rep Busbey is an influential Republican member of the House appropriations subcommittee which handles the Library of Congress budget really no need to say anything beyond just that but I am in a verbose mood today and besides Rep Busbey been able to think of any way yet to make me stop writing a column The Chicago legislator one of the finest men ever to grace the Congress of the United States srt long as he doesn't try to include me in his purge discovered that Dr Evans was running an almost daily chronicle of his activities in the library's Meekly "Information Bulletin" How Rep Busbey made this dis covery Is utterly baffling because If anybody had come up to me and askcdWhich publication is Rep Busbey least likely to I would have replied unhesitatingly: Library of Congress Informa tion But he must hv been trapped in a locked room or something and no wayto while away the weary vigil until rescuers arrived but to read some old thrown away papers littering the floor Anyway he got hold of an information bulletin 'and 'read it or had it read to him believe that In his sober intervals if there are intervals it may sttl be possible to get him sufficiently Interested to attend a meeting of an Alcohol Anonymous groun attend that Is entirely of hfs Brady 2SS Bl Camino South own volition A A doesn seek Beverly Hills Calif) MidwottofR Hayride Mqyrl4 Midwaowra Mvyridt 4U4wa9ori Mayride Musk ID Mwix VO Music RD Music IPO SPECIAL SERVICE I YOU SHOULD M1S8 YOUR HERALD A subscriber who fails to recelv a dally copy of The Herald ihouid phone 3 5371 before 9 a and a copy will be rent after 9 A bypecial messenger Should your carrier fall to deliver your Herald on Sun day go to the nearest place that Mil The Herald and gn a complaint A copy will then given to you without charge OLKLORE By WILLIAM WADR SOO 9:30 10:00 10 301:00 13:00 1230 1:00 1:30 2 00 Yom Art Th o' 3:30 3 00 3:30 4:00 430 3 00 3:30 6:00 6 30 700 100 (30 900 1000 1030 1100 1230 PROGRAM LISTINGS on one Sundy night The next Sabbath day they may follow with the for athers" In a similar manner Newspaper Allies i Modern newspapers have thus become allies of education both of the public school as well as the religious type The psychological Tests and" Rat ing Scales offered thru this column are purely for their benefit in producing the more abundant life Neither the newspaper nor the newspaper syndicate which hand les my column nor I receives a penny from this educational ser vic In fact it Is a "red project financially Even when you send in your stamped envelope plu a dime still must make up an annual deficit of about $15 000 per year on this mail donating to it all the my lecture trips But you who have bulletins know they acute home and school and church dilemmas so be glad your news paper make them available When writing to Dr Crane Mellott Ind enclose stamped self addressed envelope and dime to cover typing or printing costs when you seek personal advice or one of his psychologi cal charts GETS HOSPITAL POST INDIANAPOLIS LB Miss Crys tal Halstead of Muncie' was named acting directbof the Indiana Uni versity training school for nurse Christ spend his time riday to succeed Miss Jean Cof rey wno resigned to take another position AIRNESS am not ashamed of of the Romans 1:11 Pul to the Romans write a letter To state that he would know them better To tell them of how God is fair And opens up new paths through pray et If righteou one by faith shall live He says God will his bounty give To Rome come and bring hi hi "gift" I Ahd likewise hi own soul uplift Of goa pel Paul wu not ashamed Which to the Gen tiles Ke proclaimed JULIEN HYER BE WaKkiESS NOf aiaafW Gang Button Ovnimobo Gvntmoho Country Stylo Country Styk WRM letaeeata AOV vB World New 7 7'1 Goita Hymn 13 Goopol Hymn HI Wottom Boundup No Sctal Ttay 3J fchta lodey Melody Troll' 1 bool Today Along th Tro If Sing Wirh VWne All Gordon Oato William Brady Personal Health Service Cepyrlftt 7 Th Jha DUlo Co credulity some smart operator conics up with a wonderful new I reducing method which lit so scien tific that no dieting exercise or other disagreeable effort or co operation is necessary Lose a pound day easily! A soon ta the first hundred thousand custo mers have planked down 32 each as an earnest of intention to fol low the simple rules the squawks 1 begin this and that bureau1 starts inquiring into the business the operator pays off the creditors 1 and fades with ay 350000 cash in his jean? No matter another 1 ost hnrttker rAri zv 1 1 contribute another 3200000 to try outcome of a delivery which might the reducing treatment that cience pUcc athpme If say my hat it last perfected develops respiratory failure the mail almost every day or the infant needs oxygen a mere rttsAwAa ltom I uicic a a vjuci it huc uirsc How many cigarette can a man' with obstatrician smoke without injuring his health? My son smokes 2 packs a day and complains constantly of pain in his chestWhere can he get treat ment he can take at he can't take it at work? (Mrs He always says he can quit any time he wants to but he goes right on drinking until or our sake and his own won't you please tell me something I can put in his coffee (Mrs or the cigarette smoker I have little patience He and several mil i lion other individuals of the same wishy washy character need well let's say they need discipline or the drinker who insist he i can stop drinking whenever he i want to and doesn't need any Independence Day 1953 hold th truth to lf vldnt that all man ar cratd aqual that they ar endowed by their Creator with certain un alienable Right that among theae are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happineaa Thai to secure theee righto Government are in fituted among Men deriving their just powers from the coneent of the governed That whenever any orm of Government become destructive of theee ends it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government laying It foundation on such principles and organis ing its powers In such form as to them shsll seem moot likely io effect iheir Safety and Happiness WHSU Atarw aM 1 140 ABC The Washington MERRY GO ROUND By Drew Pearson (Batoaeea By The BU Sradlcete iaa) though Dr Evans has a literary style Different from mine anywTiy The solon summoned the librarian before his subcommittee i and locked the doors Dr Evans winced with an almost unbearable pain familiar to all columnists whose stuff comes un der critical discussion 'when Rep Busbey proceeded fo read a few samples in a voice devoid of en thusiasm But the bibliophile prov ed he was dead game I know col 'umnists who would have screamed iran amok and probably committed hara kiri if head Rep Bus bey say as he did to Dr Evan: have rearched my limited brain and frankly I just question the importance of some of the ma terial in them (the Jlyan col a typical item from the Evans offerings: librarian (meaning him self) spent the forenoon in Chica go where he participated in the Northwestern radio program Reviewing He joined in a discussion of bring ing cultural education to the mass es through paper towered books and other media I seem to have heard of a count ry where (hey employ expressions ilike masses" but I rt Municipal police in Indianapolis 1 a and Logansport recently Or onf rendered by the given permission to go tieless on Chicago congressman in a non days of sizzling temperatures Iliterary 13th ward void: INMNlTTnii librarian nd Mrs Evans 'drove to Willtomaburg Va where WASHINGTON About 50000 they heard Presideht Eisenhower owns in the have no rail out give fine address Numerous cts and iepepd entnely on motoiq other speeches were given After transport atitm Hunch with friend th Evan vu 1 PHILADELPHIA Th mayor of Philadelphia ha Invited me to broadcast from the East Room of Independence Hall tomorrow from the table at which was signed the Declaration of Independence or 177 year free men throughout the world have been marching7 into battle to champion the ideas scratched on a piece of parchment in that room and some people to 1 day are asking whether we have lived up to them qr retrograded When Thomas Jefferson rented a room In the home of a German bricklayer just across the street frpm Independence Hall and for 18 days worked on drafting the Dec laration Democracy was consider ed as deplorable as slavery and a lot more dangerous at that tune were by no means equal and the right to vote was held only by ha nrnnfrt ownin a frw The signers of the Declaration theicfore were donsidcied radicals and sometimes received angry glances as they walked the streets of Philadelphia urthermore there was no rejoicing when the Dec laration was signed No mob stormed the door of Independence Hall clamoring for a decision The libeltv Bell dlil not ling out until July four days all be cause this great declaration was an awesome difficult step to take and every man as he stood up to sign knew that he would be hanged by his neck until dead if the Bri tish ever caught him Yet despite uncertainty and op position and the fact that the equality of men w'as then unheard of the 56 founding fathers did sign that great human document the most far reaching since the days of Christ Would We Sign Today? Now let us see how we have lived up tn it Would we sign it again if the occasion arose today? Two years ago the Madison Capital Times of Wisconsin' and the New Orleans Item circulated petitions among 4th of July crowds a kmg people lo sign the same resolutions contained in the Dec laration of Independence and the Bill of Rights Out of 112 people approached in Wisconsin 111 re fused to sign ref ised to reaffirm their faith in the sa me principles contained in Hie I wo great docu that gave Ame: an their freedom In New Orleans 26 out of 34 re fused to sign Those who refused callhd the documents Communistic or said tth "BI ought to check up on this sort of or that with the government and it might get them into One man read stir rjng words any form of government becomes destruc tive of these ends it is the right of therpeople to alter or abolish and remarked sounds Rus sian to me" rheirj refu ml In' sign was due first do ignorance second to fear Many of them had nqvpp taken the trouble to read the re a words' which founded our republic Ignorance since that time has becnartially remedied by a printer in Richmond Va Mr August Dietz who has printed several million copies of the Dec laration of Independence and has distributed them at less than it costs him to print them a nickel each through the schools of the nation The Sertom Clubs and other service groups have dime a great job of helping him and this might be a good tun to prepare for drive to make this great document familiar to even one er Of ree Thought But the other reason for m'odern day reluctance to sign the Dec laration of Independence fear has probably increased There was a time before theState Police will have to sweat out signing the declaration when our early ancestors burned witch es and quakers in New England not fr what they did but for what they thought There was also a time when they stoned Catholics in the streets of Philadelphia not for what they did but for what they thought But the 54 men who had the courage to sign the parchment retting a pattern for our nation abhorred the things tried to ret atandards that would prevent them Aqd thev would be shocked to learn that a Senate committee Or would Benjamin ranklin he was goUenjmt of my racket so have been able to get by with his oul ringing advice to the revolution 1 have agreed to stronger methods riiAK A KrALrro ai mm I A anes: Gentlemen we must all hang together or most assuredly we shall hang separately" In many field we have made great strides since the Declaration of Independence was signed 177 years ago The founding fathers shrank from a stand on slavery eliminated courageous decision to abolish it It took a bloody war and recent decisions 9tend 1 1 it ir er'd I County orm Hour County orm Hour un for Alt ah I City Motpitol HI City Hoipjftrf latt Nw Joan 1 2tU Cincinnorl Mifwoukro Joon Shoehta Wnontal auiweeta Joon Shoobor to aacnnerl Milwoul: Shoeta GMintai Milweuiiro Joen Shankta 8 ll Ctalnta Milwouta StataJ 2 Gncinnofl MilwouLoo Joon Shoohor 14 Gncnnen MHwoutoo of tta ClncinnoH Milwoukooll Clncinnoti Mrlwavlioo (tan ttagtarrl Stan Dougherty! THE WORRY CLINIC Case Records Of A Psychologist By Or George Crone 2 (Grrriki Ck Hopkta (YtaeaM ta 111 Mr Brownell's Progress Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr went before a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee this week just as the committee was completing 17 months of inquiry in the operations of the Department of Justice Unhke the figures of national administra tion Mr Brownell went to not to deride or attack In fact he thanked the committee for its useful mission in exposing the maladministration that marked the Justice Department before the Eisenhower official family took office in January He was able to report also that at least 10 of the specific abuses uncovered by the committee had already been corrected and that others were well on their way to resolution As the legal watchdog of the entire federal govern ment Mr department ranks as one of the moat significant in the entire federal hierarchv The vitality and eamestnes with which Mr Brownell is discharging hto i responsibility is a big stride toward re Storing the average American's faith in the moral sound mh of his government Giro And TeU Today's Thofr Tadayt THactra Hollywood Stars Hollywood Stars Gilbert orb £rttal City Hospital City Hospital fwi or AH hm pr AH lifta Calling lino CalHof Koa Ifota Cwt Imp Kwn Linn Calling Kow LIra Celling Kww Lhta Cwllinp Kee Ua Celling Koa Lina Cel line Ken LIaa Cetllnf Kee lbm CeHtaf I Ken lbw CeHief Jean Shwphwrd fi Ken linn Cellina Joan Shepherd Ken lbw Joan Shepherd Ken Linn Cnllint VWlAMillta tat onrord Merck UgitaHM Start Sport! Roundup I Nw Denlol Scherr Cerh7rtdan WlnpMitf Chibf! OlTtar Beta THE ANDERSON HERALD btaMtoM Jm 1318a fublished By 1 'r3 ANPIRSON NfWSPAMRSJNG TILIHOHI 3 5371 WASHINGTON Rep red Busbey of Illinoii killed offwa oomnalilAr (nr wvaI Tl tnvr nA fha Avi aaaiij jic juitru is stand librarian of Congress Dr Luther Evans to quit writing a column It took pressure to make Dr Evans give up columning It al ways doe But I care how 16 Terien 4t Genpbvstort Illi Gennbuataft Gunsesoke 41 Ounsmohe iM Iroodwov lootlM Sreedwey Swot til Cevntry Stylo 41 Country Stylo tyrants were deaf did not mock a sorrow Her celebration was a to all that men had: nwiiv cm succceoea: that the oppressed would fight (gain and that they would sue' ceed It repeated the message written more than two thousand years ago by the Greek poet Pindar: long toil of The Brav not lost in darkness Neither hath counting the cost away the zeal of their TOltHJ BOYS INDIANAPOLIS Lfl Indiana' las 324: Rev Clayton Steeie is a talented Methodist clergyman at Alexandria Indiana Dr Crane your for Sweethearts plu the mvs and the have been a great boon to our Sunday school class for young as the basis of a sermon adult'' he bagan class include both married and unmarried people We started out with only 6 couple In the group thfit week we had to move into the largest classroom in the church for more than 20 couples are now attending "They are eager for such help in their marital relationship and uonie uunuing prooicms pleasesend me more tins and helpful Modem Morality This type of Sunday school teaching is growing very preva lent or it is the duty of the church to help its people enjoy the more abundant life which Jesus said he came to give us And what does abun adnt involve? Weli it includes more of all the good things here on earth That means happiness sweet hearts friends love and marriage as well as food and health But to win sweetheart and establish happy home require specific advice and psychological The Bible contain very wonder ful general rules of conduct Is in the 10 Commandment and the Golden Rule But God expected us to extend those general rules into specific applications Thus you win friends or get a sweetheart to say just by quoting Psalms or Pro verbs or other admirable Scrip i iuri references Method ftotkwf Squad Oata With Judy You Ar Tho lill Hickok Victory At Sow Stu Irwin Nomo'i Tho Semo Strika tldi Maiquorodo Iff Nwwi ta ALq Groudta Mari Boat tho Clock Jackie Ohouq avorite Story ord Theatre City Defective Amateur iyhtt LHo Begins at SB Theatre Night Owl Thatra WLBC TV Channel 43 tohioht Soty Club Whafi Your Trouble? Wltn Th9YM 6 JO Kukla ron OHIo 7:00 Science Show 1 8:001:30 "BtOO 930 1000 (Netat Wl notice) 7 A 44 7 ro.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.