Best Permanent Upgrade Cookie Clicker (2025)

1. Cookie Clicker: 10 Best Upgrades To Prioritize - Game Rant

  • The Cookie Clicker best permanent upgrades to slot are those that give the largest boost to production through a playthrough, like Trillion Fingers which ...

  • Players can choose from a variety of unique upgrades in Cookie Clicker. Everyone should be prioritizing these when they play.

Cookie Clicker: 10 Best Upgrades To Prioritize - Game Rant

2. Permanent Upgrade slot I-V | Fandom - Cookie Clicker Wiki

  • 2nd Slot: Best Kitten Upgrade. 3rd Slot: Best Prism Upgrade. - For active ... 4th Slot: Best Butter Biscuit Cookie. 5th Slot: Wrinklerspawn. - For safe ...

  • Hi people, i´m playing the 1.0501 beta version of…

Permanent Upgrade slot I-V | Fandom - Cookie Clicker Wiki

3. Permanent upgrade slots guide - The Cookie Clicker Wiki

  • Jul 1, 2024 · Permanent upgrade slots, or permaslots, are a set of 5 heavenly upgrades where one can place normal upgrades into to make it immediately ...

  • Permanent upgrade slots, or permaslots, are a set of 5 heavenly upgrades where one can place normal upgrades into to make it immediately available and active for all subsequent ascensions. Permaslots go from I (1) to V (5), each requiring the previous to unlock, as well as costing 100, 20,000, 3 million, 400 million, and 5 billion heavenly chips, respectively. Every permaslot is functionally identical in every way except for its price.

4. What are the best permanent upgrades? - Cookie Clicker Wiki

  • Jun 3, 2022 · For me i choose. I. best cursor. II. best kitten. III. festive hat (instantly unlocks santa). IV. steamed cookies (i have steam).

  • Should I put the three golden cookies upgrades so…

What are the best permanent upgrades? - Cookie Clicker Wiki

5. what are the best permanent upgrade slots cookie clicker

6. permanent upgrade slot cookie clicker -

  • 23 hours ago · permanent upgrade slot cookie clicker|cookie clicker best permanent upgrades : Alegria e Prêmios no Cassino Permanent Upgrade Slot 4 ...

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7. best upgrade for permanent upgrade slot - cookie clicker permanent ...

  • The Cookie Clicker best permanent upgrades to slot are those that give the largest boost to production through a playthrough, like Trillion Fingers which .

  • best upgrade for permanent upgrade slot|best upgrade in cookie clicker : Baguio Permanent Upgrades, Which are the best? I have baked 250 duodec all time, atm im getting all the plants and was wondering .

8. Ascension guide - The Cookie Clicker Wiki

  • Permanent upgrade slots guide · Shadow Achievement Strategies

  • Throughout the guide, all ascensions will include the following stats:

9. Cookie Clicker: 10 Best Upgrades To Prioritize -

  • 3 days ago · permanent upgrade slot 1|Cookie Clicker: 10 Best Upgrades To Prioritize : Último Agente de Slots do Brasil 2023 After a point, ...

  • Page not found Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.

10. how to use permanent upgrade slot cookie clicker

11. The Smash Hit Vampire Survivors Finally Comes to PS5, PS4 Later ...

  • 6 days ago · ... upgrades until you're practically unstoppable. In addition to these per-run enhancements, you can use gold to purchase permanent upgrades. On ...

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The Smash Hit Vampire Survivors Finally Comes to PS5, PS4 Later ...

12. cookie clicker permanent upgrade slot guide

  • 2 days ago · cookie clicker permanent upgrade slot guide|cookie clicker permanent upgrades : Ganhe Dinheiro! Slots Online This guide will explain most of ...

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13. how to use permanent upgrade slot cookie clicker

  • 20 hours ago · how to use permanent upgrade slot cookie clicker|cookie clicker permanent upgrade slot : Venha Jogar e Ganhar no Nosso Casino Permanent ...

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14. Trimps 5.9.2

  • Permanent Upgrades. Exotic Imp-orts. Exotic Imp-orts will be unlocked ... Automatically gain helium equal to the amount you earned on your best run. Buy ...

  • Trimps

15. Candy Clicker 2 🕹️ Play on CrazyGames

  • Keep clicking to generate more candies and upgrade the candy production equipment for faster results. ... Clicker Heroes is a great choice! You could also try the ...

  • Candy Clicker 2 is an incremental clicker game where you make candies by clicking. Keep clicking to generate more candies and upgrade the candy production equipment for faster results. Become an extraordinary sweet treat producer in Candy Clicker 2!

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17. Capybara Clicker 🕹️ Play on CrazyGames

  • Capybara Clicker is a clicker game where you multiply the capybara population by clicking. You can buy various upgrades to increase the output of capybaras, ...

  • Capybara Clicker is a clicker game where you multiply the capybara population by clicking. You can buy various upgrades to increase the output of capybaras, change the weather, and unlock new skins to make you the coolest capybara in town.

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Best Permanent Upgrade Cookie Clicker (2025)


Which upgrade should I make permanent in Cookie Clicker? ›

Best Cookie Clicker Permanent Upgrades

As time goes on and players unlock the other three slots, consider adding one upgrade to boost Kitten Cookie production, one that increases the chance for Golden Cookies to spawn, and one that increases the CPS for specific buildings.

What does the persistent memory upgrade do in Cookie Clicker? ›

Persistent upgrades

Subsequent research will be 10 times as fast. "It's all making sense! Again!" Placing an upgrade in this slot will make its effects permanent across all playthroughs.

How do you get infinite upgrades in Cookie Clicker? ›

You can enter any combination of the following cheats into the console: Game. RuinTheFun(); - Unlocks and applies every upgrade and building in the game, and adds 999,999,999,999,999,999 cookies to your bank. This command can be repeated multiple times.

How much does the permanent upgrade slot cost in Cookie Clicker? ›

Permaslots go from I (1) to V (5), each requiring the previous to unlock, as well as costing 100, 20,000, 3 million, 400 million, and 5 billion heavenly chips, respectively. Every permaslot is functionally identical in every way except for its price.

What does petting krumblor do? ›

After the player purchases the Pet the dragon heavenly upgrade, it is possible to pet Krumblor (by clicking on the Krumblor's icon); this will trigger heart particles. If Krumblor has been leveled up beyond level 8 (after sacrificing 100 farms), every time it is pet there is a 5% chance to drop an upgrade.

What does Heavenly Chip Secret do? ›

Heavenly Chips Secret description. "Grants the knowledge of heavenly chips, and how to use them to make baking more efficient. It's a secret to everyone."

Is Grandmapocalypse good for idle? ›

In the Grandmapocalypse, golden cookie frequency is reduced, making it not worth it. However, if you are a player who usually relies on idle cookie production, the benefits of occasional Elder Frenzies and boosts from Wrinklers exceeds the benefits of an extra frenzy you get every once in a while.

Is The Grandmapocalypse permanent? ›

The Grandmapocalypse can be temporarily halted by purchasing the Elder Pledge, an upgrade which becomes available after accumulating over 2 million cookies.

Can you get true neverclick after ascending? ›

Make 1 million cookies with no cookie clicks. "This kinda defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it?" ↑ These achievements can only be obtained before ascending for the first time (or after ascending without gaining anything) or in Challenge Mode.

What is the secret cheat code for Cookie Clicker? ›

Beginner's Guide to Cheat Codes
Game.cookies = Game.cookies ;Add whatever number of cookies to your current total
Game.cookies = Infinity;Get an infinite number of cookies.
Game.cookies=;Set the total number of cookies to the desired amount
Game.cookiesPs=;Set cookies per second number
1 more row
Apr 8, 2024

What is the infinite cookie code? ›

To actually obtain Infinity cookies, use: Game.cookies = Infinity; Beware: The number of cookies displayed above the big cookie will not change from infinity if you reset the game and/or change the number of cookies in your bank.

What is the OG Cookie Clicker? ›

Cookie Clicker Classic was the original version of Cookie Clicker, before the 1.0 Update (sometimes referred to by its originally planned version number, 1.3). It remains playable here and is linked from the current Cookie Clicker page in the top right corner.

How to get neverclick achievement? ›

On Cookie Clicker, there is a shadow achievement you can get called "True Neverclick" which recognizes that you bake one million cookies while not clicking the big cookie once. If you plan on doing this legitimately, you'll need to click on Golden Cookies at the start of your run, as you cannot click the big cookie.

What is the highest thing to buy in Cookie Clicker? ›

The time machine costs 123,456,789 cookies, and is the most expensive of all the items, at their base levels.

What is the max upgrade in Cookie Clicker? ›

Building Upgrades. There are 300 total building upgrades. Each building beyond Grandma has one grandma upgrade and two synergy upgrades. Each building has its own upgrades, and only the cursor upgrades are different from the others.

Is one mind upgrade worth it Cookie Clicker? ›

Upgrading through One Mind gives you a 6x increase in CpS because of Wrinklers. Wrinklers are red, eldritch beasts which will leech a small fraction of your CpS and eat it. Fortunately, you can pop them to make them explode, giving you your cookies back along with a bonus.

What are the best sugar lump upgrades? ›

What to do with sugar lumps:
  • Spend 1 lump on wizard towers to unlock the grimoire.
  • Spend 1 lump on temples to unlock the pantheon.
  • Spend 1 lump on farms to unlock the garden.
  • Spend 1 lump on banks to unlock the stock market.
  • Spend the next 44 lumps to get farms to level 9, unlocking the maximum size of the garden.

Are the mouse upgrades worth it Cookie Clicker? ›

get cursors, there the only reason to get them is to get cookies, there much worth it, they'll give you a total cps boost to 0.1 cookies per second, if you get more, you get more cookies, if you get more, you get cursor upgrades , one of them is reinforced index finger, it'll give you a +2 every click, and its worth it ...

How to get infinite golden cookies in Cookie Clicker? ›

To actually obtain Infinity cookies, use: Game.cookies = Infinity; Beware: The number of cookies displayed above the big cookie will not change from infinity if you reset the game and/or change the number of cookies in your bank.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.