Muspelheim akatsanangura muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok - Utopia Gamer (2024)

Muspelheim Muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok iri pakati pehumambo hupfumbamwe hwemutambo wepasirese, kunyangwe idiki kana ichienzaniswa nevamwe. Iwe unotanga washanyira nzvimbo ino naAtreus pamwe chete naThor. Munguva iyi, hauzokwanisi kudyidzana zvakanyanya nenharaunda, izvo zvinokutadzisa iwe kuwana zvinounganidzwa.

Pfungwa dzakakosha

  • Kune huwandu hwehumambo hupfumbamwe muGOW Ragnarok, kusanganisira Muspelheim.
  • Muspelheim ine akawanda matambudziko uye anounganidzwa anodiwa kuti apedze akawanda mafambiro.
  • Kuzadza matambudziko ese kunopa mibairo mikuru uye chiyero chekupedzisa 100%.


  1. Chii chinonzi Muspelheim muna Mwari weHondo?
  2. Chii chiri muMuspelheim?
  3. Mhedziso

Chii chinonzi Muspelheim muna Mwari weHondo?

Kechipiri pauchawana nzira yako pano ichave neAtreus naKratos panguva yeMain Path yeKudaidza questline. Iye zvino iwe unozogona kutenderera wakasununguka uye kushandisa nguva yako uchitsvaga zvese zvakakosha zvakapambwa uye zvinonetsa izvo zvinorunga mutambo zvakanyanya.

Unogona kuongorora nzvimbo dzakawanda muMuspelheim, saka ngatifambei nadzo mumwe nemumwe kuti tione kuti imwe neimwe inei.

Chii chiri muMuspelheim?

Nekuve inzvimbo diki kudaro, Muspelheim ine akawanda akaunganidzwa ekuwedzera kune yako hesita uye zvinonetsa kuti utarise.

Matombo ari kutsva

Kutanga, isu tine Burning Cliffs muMuspelheim, iyo sezita rinoratidza, inyika izere nekuputika kwemakomo. Kana ukasangwarira pano, vanogona kudhonza zvishoma nezvishoma HP yako kubva mumabota. Makomo anopisa ndimo mune zvinangwa zvakawanda, saka ngationgororei zvakadzama.

Ngano Chest

Muspelheim akatsanangura muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok - Utopia Gamer (2)
Nhoroondo chipfuva muMuspelheim

Kuti uwane chipfuva chenhoroondo, mhanya wakananga kubva pamusuwo usinganzwisisike kana wasvika. Unozowana nzira yako yapwanyika. Naizvozvo, iwe uchafanirwa kusvetuka pamusoro pemukana uye kurwira mawere kudivi rekurudyi. Kana uchinge wabata bata, ramba uchienda kurudyi rwepaka kusvika waona bako. Pinda uye iwe uchawana ane nhoroondo chipfuva.

Dreamshade uye Nine Realms nzvimbo muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok

Odin's Ravens

Makunguo eOdin anowanikwa munzvimbo dzakasiyana dzemutambo. Iwe unofanirwa kuuraya makunguo aya kusvikira wawana Ziso reOdin uye kusunungura chipfuva mukati Cuervo Muti. Kune huwandu hwemakunguwo makumi mana nemasere, rimwe rawo rinogona kuwanikwa pano. Kana ukatarisa kurudyi kwechipfuva, unogona kuona gunguo richitonhora riri pamusoro pedombo mudziva remabota. Unofanira kumuuraya nedemo kana mapanga ako;

Nornir Chest

Chimwe chinhu chaunogona kuwana muMuspelheim ichipfuva cheNornir. Kuruboshwe kwechipfuva chine mukurumbira, uchakwanisa kuona gap. Ita nzira yako nepaburi uye tendeukira kuruboshwe. Wobva wafamba uchiyambuka ruzhowa pazasi pemabota. Ramba kusvikira waona nzvimbo isina simba pazasi kurudyi. Tamba kuburikidza neizvozvo kuratidza Nornir chipfuva. Zvino, chasara kutsvaga runes.

Iwe unogona kuwana yekutanga rune brazier nekukwira kumusoro kurudyi rwechipfuva. Tevere, tarisa kuchipfuva uye iwe unogona kuona mamwe maviri runes akamira pamberi pako. Iwe uchafanirwa kushandisa mablades ako uye chisimbiso chakachajwa kuti uzvitore. Iwe unogona kurova yechipiri rune nezvose, uye ichatsemuka; Nekudaro, yechitatu rune ikatinetsa.

Kutanga, kanda chisimbiso kuitira kuti chigare pakati pe runes. Izvi zvichaita kuti iwedzere. Pamusoro pezvo, iwe unogona kusimbisa kana iri kurongedza sezvo runes ikozvino iine kupenya kwepinki. Iye zvino, tungamira kuruboshwe rwe runes uye wedzera mamwe maviri mashefu. Izvi zvinotendera kuti maketani ako atyoke uye akupe mubairo wechipfuva. Mubairo uchava Idunn Apple.

Muspelheim akatsanangura muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok - Utopia Gamer (4)
Idunn Apple

Zvisaririra zveAsgard

Zvakasara zveAsgard zvinogona kuwanikwawo muMuspelheim. Kana wapedza nyaya huru, enda kuBurning Cliffs. Unogona kuiona pakati pemawere mukati mejecha iroro. Kana iwe usingakwanise kuwana nhandare, iri padyo neNornir Chest.


Kana iwe uchinge wawana iyo Asgard Remnants, tarisa-tarisa. Uchakwanisa kuona mitsetse inopenya kuruboshwe rwemusuwo wetembere. Kudyidzana navo kunokupa iyo Valhalla Rises Rune Read.

Surtr Forge

Surtr's Forge imwe hubhu muMuspelheim ine inounganidzirwa iwe.

Odin's Ravens

Unogona kuwana rimwe remakunguo aOdin pano. Zvese zvaunofanirwa kuita kutevedzera matanho ataurwa. Tora zip line kuSurtr's Forge uye uende kumusoro kwerampu. Izvi zvinokutora iwe kunzvimbo yawakambosangana naye. Kana wava ikoko, tarisa kumativi ose matongo. Uchakwanisa kuona gunguwo rakamhara kumwe kwauchafanira kuuraya.

The Crucible

Muspelheim akatsanangura muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok - Utopia Gamer (5)
Nzvimbo yeThe Crucible

Iyo Crucible ndiyo inotevera nharaunda huru, Mwari weHondo Ragnarok Muspelheim. Iri kuruboshwe rweMuspelheim. Iyi nharaunda ine zvibodzwa zvakati uye yakashata crucible miedzo. Saka pasina imwe ado, ngatipindei mavari.

Humambo hupfumbamwe huri kukura

Chekutanga pane zvese, iwe unogona kuwana chikamu cheNine Realms muBloom kuda. Kuti uite izvozvo, tungamira kumucheto pamberi pemusuwo usinganzwisisike uye usvetuke pasi. Tendeukira kurudyi kubva kuBrok's Shop uye uenderere mberi. Ikoko iwe unowana iyo Ashepetal, inodiwa kuti upedze iyo Nine Realms muBloom.

Nornir Chests

Muspelheim akatsanangura muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok - Utopia Gamer (6)
Weapon Mastery Challenge

Unogona kuwana iyo Nornir Chest mutsime muBrok's Shop. Semazuva ese, chipfuva chinoda kuti iwe uvhure runes. Kuti uite izvozvo, iwe uchafanirwa kupedzisa yakashata Miedzo yeCrcucible. Pane zvipingamupinyi zvitanhatu zvakazara. Kupedza maviri kunovhura rune. Miedzo mitanhatu yacho ndeiyi:

  • kugona kwezvombo
  • Yakanakisa
  • Zvinonzwika
  • Dyisa mutswe
  • Population control
  • Mambo wegomo

Kupedza iyi miedzo kuchavhura chipfuva uye nekukupa mubayiro neFlame of Chaos.

Crucible Matambudziko

Kunyangwe chipfuva chinongoda kuti upedze matambudziko matanhatu, kune mamwe zvakare. Kune dzimwe bvunzo pfumbamwe dzinozivikanwa zviri nani seFinal Challenges. Unogona kuwana matambudziko matatu ekutanga mukamuri imwechete yekurovera pakati peaya mapfumbamwe. Nekudaro, iwe unofanirwa kupedzisa miedzo iri pamusoro mune imwe kurongeka kuti uvhure zvimwe.

Mucherechedzo wekuti ndeupi hurongwa hwekutevera unowanikwa pasi pawakamira. Naizvozvo, uchitarisa pasi padhuze nepakati hilt yeCrucible blade, unogona kuona madenderedzwa ane inopenya yebhuruu runes. Imwe neimwe yakabatidzwa rune inoratidza kuti ndedzipi bvunzo dzaunofanira kuita. Batanidza rune kune crucible room uye upedze kutongwa mukati. Semuenzaniso, kana iwe uchikwanisa kuona runes H uye R mudenderedzwa, enda kukamuri H kutanga.

Musoro kukamuri H uye bvisa matambudziko matatu mukati maro. Wobva waenda kukamuri R uye dzokorora maitiro. Mushure mezvo, dzokera kunzvimbo huru uye taurirana nehilt kuti utange dambudziko rekupedzisira.

Dambudziko rekupedzisira rine matambudziko mapfumbamwe aunofanirwa kupedzisa, uye ndeaya anotevera:

  • Rampage Challenge
  • Health Kuba Dambudziko
  • Uraya Fuse Dambudziko
  • ghost dambudziko
  • Dambudziko rekutsungirira
  • Boss Rush Dambudziko
  • Shieldbreaker Challenge
  • Mhete yeMoto Dambudziko
  • Attack Challenge

Dzivirira kukosha kwako

Kana uchinge wapedza matambudziko ese anokonzeresa, dzokera kunhandare pamberi Chitoro cheBrok. Unogona kuona nzvimbo itsva yekukambaira kurudyi iyo inozoratidzwawo nemucherechedzo wemubvunzo pamepu. Ita nzira yako kuburikidza nepakati uye enda kumberi kuti utange kurwa kweshefu. Iwe uchatarisana neGna, iyo Valkyrie, sechikamu cheDzivirira Ushingi Hwako nyasha. Anogona kuva muvengi akaoma kukunda, saka ramba wakangwarira.

Kunyange zvazvo angave akaoma, kumukunda kune mubayiro mukuru. Iwe unowana yaQueen Armor yeFreya, Rond of Obliteration, uye The Queen's Roar Runic Summon semubairo wekumuuraya.


Aya ndiwo akaunganidzwa uye matambudziko aunogona kuita muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok Muspelheim. Zvese izvi zvinofanirwa kusangana kana iwe uchivavarira iyo 100% chiyero chekupedzisa. Uyezve, izvi zvinokuunzira nhanho imwe padhuze kune yakasimba construir.

Mwari weHondo Ragnarok mutambo unokomborera vatambi nekuda kwekuedza kwavo kuitira kuti kuongorora kwavo kusave pasina. Pane kudaro, zvinokukurudzira kuti uongorore dzimwe nzvimbo uye nzvimbo kuti urambe uchisimba. Kana iwe uchida kuongorora dzimwe nzvimbo, tarisa Mwari wedu weHondo Ragnarok niflheim guide.

Nezvo, tinopedzisa Mwari wedu weHondo Ragnarok Muspelheim gwara. Tizivise pazasi kuti ndeipi nzvimbo yaunoda zvakanyanya!

Muspelheim akatsanangura muna Mwari weHondo Ragnarok - Utopia Gamer (2024)


What is the easiest challenge in Muspelheim Ragnarok? ›

Weapon Mastery is the simplest challenge in all of Muspelheim. You are simply required to eliminate all the enemies it throws at you within the time limit. In total, there will be 16 enemies for you to kill, and you have 180 seconds to get the job done.

How many Muspelheim challenges are there Ragnarok? ›

However, there are fifteen trials in total, and a secret boss fight to track down, making it one of the harder tests in the game. So if you're ready to step into a literal trial by fire, here are all the details you need for the Muspelheim Crucible challenges in God of War Ragnarok.

Who is the hardest fight in God of War Ragnarok? ›

  1. 1 The Valkyrie Queen. It's not the Norse era of God of War if Kratos isn't endlessly dying to Valkyries, and the new Valkyrie Queen Gna reminds players of the countless hours they spent fighting Sigrun.
  2. 2 The Hateful. ...
  3. 3 The Berserker King. ...
  4. 4 Odin. ...
  5. 5 Thor. ...
  6. 6 Nidhogg. ...
  7. 7 Hrist and Mist. ...
  8. 8 Heimdall. ...

What level should I go to Muspelheim? ›

We recommend you reach level 6 or 7 before tackling these red-hot challenges, but for those who think they're ready to take it on, here are all of the God of War Muspelheim tips you'll need to make it through the fiery tasks ahead.

What is the best armor for Muspelheim trials Ragnarok? ›

Instead, we recommend the Armor of Radiance that can enable Realm Shifts on dodging to slow time and let you escape danger or get in a good counter attack. To start, you'll face off against a few Nightmares and Seidr at range.

What is the hardest level in God of War Ragnarok? ›

Give Me No Mercy is the game's hard mode and is recommended for those with strong combat skills. Timing parries and blocks become a lot more important than in easier modes, while boss battles will no longer feature checkpoints, meaning that players will need to restart from the very beginning if they run out of health.

Are the Muspelheim trials hard? ›

There are 15 Musepelheim Trials in total, though completing them all may prove tricky to some players, particularly those playing on harder difficulty settings.

What do you get for completing Muspelheim? ›

Once you complete all six of the Combat Trials, you unlock a Nornir chest in the central Muspelheim area which contains a Chaos Flame, which upgrades Kratos' Blades of Chaos, as well as 10,000 XP for Kratos and 2,500 XP for his companion.

How to get Surtr armor? ›

The Surtr's Scorched Set is a reward for completing "The Final Challenges" Favor in Muspelheim. It consists of Surtr's Scorched Cuirass (chest armor), Surtr's Scorched Arm (wrist armor), and Surtr's Scorched Girdle (waist armor). "Heavily fortified armor that is said to be worthy of Surtr himself."

Is Surtr's scorched armor good? ›

Surtr's Scorched set is arguably the best armor in God of War Ragnarok, but it's also one of the most difficult and most time-consuming sets to unlock.

What is the easiest God of War Ragnarok game? ›

Give Me Grace is effectively God of War Ragnarok's easy mode. Enemies are a little tougher than they are in Give Me Story mode but should still go down without too much trouble.

Which is the easiest Valkyrie in God of War Ragnarok? ›

Gunnr. Gunnr, Mistress of War is the first and easiest valkyrie a player can possibly encounter. She attacks using her wings and scythe, but otherwise has no gimmick or specialty, making her an entry-level fight and introduction to the basis of the rest of the valkyries.

What is the easiest difficulty in God of War? ›

Give Me a Story

This is the easiest of the difficulty settings, and, as its name suggests, it is intended for players that want to focus on God of War's story without facing any major challenges. Fans that select “Give Me a Story” will encounter enemies that deal decreased damage and act with minimal aggression.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.