The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

2A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2004 THE TIMES 'Hopefully, now I can have peace' II III llllll. I I I II IITNlllllMMilllllillilH IIIIHMWllll BH'iy. jlllMI'M I'll v- 1 X. i If A Tracy Jackson, 26, of Shrveport talks about her daughter, Allissa Brown, able to get additional evidence that linked Egan to the shooting, such as a credible eyewitness, the DNA would have been more helpful. "We don't have any credible witnesses seeing (Egan) pull the trigger," he said.

"We don't have anyone stepping forward saying Derrick Egan told me he killed the girl. In situations like that the DNA cannot tell the whole story." Carmouche said not having the necessary evidence to prosecute Egan was frustrating, particularly because prosecutors had found themselves in that situation several times before. And police said following Allissa's death, Egan was a suspect in several other shootings, kidnappings and armed robberies. "Shangalang had been arrested in a number of other occasions and had to be released," he said. "He was charged with more than one homicide, but (nothing came of it) because witnesses would disappear." Or if they didn't disappear, witnesses would change their stories or refuse to testify, Carmouche said.

"Unfortunately, that's something that happens with these types of people who are perceived as bad as they are and may be as bad as they are." Finding peace of mind Butthatreasonwasntgoodenough for the woman who will never again see her oldest child gingerly running through the house in her high heels and fancy nightgowns. Jackson said she only agreed to the 15-year plea agreement in exchange for Sudds' testimony against his brother because she thought authorities would arrest Egan and he would also be tried. "In their eyes, since (Egan's) brother got time, it was over with," she said of Sudds. "But the actual shooter didn't get no time. Either they was scared of (Egan) or they wanted him to stay out so someone could kill him." She said she gave up believing would be charged and put it in the Lord's hands.

And Jackson said she now feels like justice was served. "He died the same way my daughter did." That still hasn't removed the pain of her loss, but she takes comfort in the two other little girls, now old enough to wear their big sisters clothes and shoes. "I still have my bad days," she said. I ters, too. Her birthday was in August and all she talked about was going to school and getting on the school bus.

That's what hurt most That she never got a chance to do that" While she still must deal with her grief every day, Jackson said she no longer has to carry the burden of fear. "I don't have to worry that I'm being followed or that someone is trying to kill me or my kids because of my husband and who he's friends with," she said. "(This case) was never supposed to have been forgotten about Hopefully, now that (Egan's) gone, I can have peace." Corrections Clarifications The Times tries to correct promptly any errors of fact or clarity any misleading information appearing in news stories. To report an error or need for clarification, please call 459-3233. Lottery Numbers December 6, 2004 PICK 3 7-6-1 PICK 4 7-7-0-7 hxas r-r-s tinj CASH 5 2-11-13-16-26 TEXAS TWO STEP 1-4-19-24-7 PICK 3 DAY PICK 3 NIGHT 1-84 93 Fw fBCTO IHfoffHjtlOR, contact! LOUISIANA LOTTERY CORP.

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Continued from 1A It was only after she learned the 30-year-old, who wore a 'Gun play all day' tattoo on his left arm, was found fatally shot numerous times in the head and hand in the 400 block of Abilene Street on Nov. 15, that she felt safe enough to talk about her daughter and the frustration of the past few years. I'm not happy he's dead. Tm happy he's gone because he won't hurt any other innocent person," she said. "He got to live 30 years of his life, and he got to live three more after my daughter.

And she only got to live four, and a half. This is better than him being in jail because I don't have to worry about him killing someone else." Jackson wasn't alone in her belief that Egan was the shooter. Shreve-port police detectives who worked on the case were also convinced. And Caddo District Attorney Paul Carmouche said that although there was never enough evidence unking Egan to the crime, that didn't mean he wasn't responsible. "We were searching to try to find a way to charge him because Derrick Egan had a reputation for being a real bad guy," Carmouche said.

"Obviously, the police would have loved to charge him with that kind of homicide, particularly because it was of a child, but it just wasn't there." But some believe Carmouche's office had more than enough, including DNA evidence linking Egan to the gun, to charge him with Allissa's death. Blood brothers Shreveport police arrested Egan's younger brother Carlos Sudds only a few hours after the shooting. After pleading guilty to manslaughter for his involvement in Allissa's death, Sudds was sentenced to 15 years in prison. During the trial. Sudds testified that he was following his brother's instructions when he pulled a blue 1995 Cadillac Seville behind the car Jackson and her daughters were in and that Egan was the lone shooter that morning.

Sudds said Egan, who was recovering from a previous shooting, noticed Jackson's future husband, Shunta Jackson, pumping gas at a Chevron station at West 70th Street and Linwood Avenue. "(Shunta's) name is known as and (Egan) say There go Ta-Ta and let me see who all with him," Sudds testified according to the court transcript "(Egan) was just saying that he was kind of worried, suspicious of who was with Ta-Ta because he wanted to know if the guy who shot him was with Ta-Ta." Sudds said his brother suspected Calvin Reed, a man wanted by police in connection with several Shreveport shootings, shot him. Because Shunta STORMfT? WEATHER COVERAGE YOU CAN COUNT ON Regional Forecast 3 Jackson was friends with Reed, Egan thought Reed might be in the car. "He said, Well there go Ta-Ta and that boy Calvin Reed might be with him, pass by and let me see, Sudds said. Sudds said he never saw anyone else in the car.

While he obeyed his brother and followed the Jack-sons' Caprice, Sudds said he never thought Egan would shoot even though he was holding the .40 caliber semiautomatic pistol he usually carried in his hand. "At that point I was really thinking that he was going to actually see (who was in the car). I didn't assume, you know, he was going to shoot cause he didn't see Calvin Reed," Sudds said. But as the cars approached the intersection of Sunny Brook Street at Canal Boulevard, Sudds said Egan started shooting. Sudds quickly drove away, but he said Egan told him to keep following the Caprice because "he probably wanted to keep shooting at them and make sure, you know, (he got) who he was looking for, I guess." Sudds went on to say that after the shooting, the two men drove to their mother's house where Egan unloaded his gun, took a shower and went to sleep.

A question of evidence While Tracy Jackson found it hard to believe, Carmouche said Sudds' testimony wasn't enough to prompt the arrest of Egan. "It appears that no one other than Carlos Sudds said Derrick Egan was involved," Carmouche said. "The Eroblem with Sudds' testimony is that had given three different versions of what took place that night, which took away from his credibility." During the trial, Sudds said Egan told him to lie and tell Shreveport police a man named "little Black" was the shooter. "Finally, he came up with his last version (that Egan was the shooter)," Carmouche said. "In our own minds we all believed that the last version Sudds told was the correct version but there was just not enough to go forward." But others disagree.

Shreveport police Detective Rod Johnson said inves Egan tigators recovered a gun from the Cadillac and sent it to the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory for analysis. A lab report showed a mixture of DNA found on the gun and its magazine was about 61,496 times more likely to have come from Egan and "any unknown, unrelated individual" than from a mixture of DNA from anyone else. And bullets from the gun found inside the car matched the shell casings recovered from the shooting. "You just don't find a guy that will give up his own brother and then can back that up with DNA, Johnson said. The reason this case was not prosecuted would have to be explained by the DA's office." Alan Golden, Sudds' defense attorney, said he thought the DA's office planned to prosecute Egan H2 iT Ji 3 1 RAIN 30 4862 i RAIN0 4563 RAIN0 4461 "I have two other daughters and they remind me so much of Allissa in different ways." From time to time, Jackson said she catches a glimpse of Allissa in Shuntavia's feisty attitude and when Trinity plays dress up.

"Allissa loved high heels," she said. "She was such a happy child. She liked cartoons, dancing and dressing up, and she loved to stay with my mom. And she loved her sis Advanced FROM STORMTRACKER 1 2, THE WEATHER EXPERTS IN THE ARK LA TEX Partly sunny skies are expected across the area today. After morning lows near 52, afternoon highs will be near 68.

Another front will move through Thursday morning. That will be the time for our next chance of rain. Near normal temperatures are expected Wednesday though Sunday. Air Conditionim 53 Heating, Inc. Jim HudelsonThe Times 4, who was killed July 4, 2001.

because of the plea agreement they offered his client. "They wouldn't have worked out a plea bargain with my client if they didn't beueve he was a lesser participant," he said. "It was based on the truth that my client was a driver and that he was driving his brother and that the brother was the one in fact who did the shooting." Golden said he was aware of the lab report citing Egan's DNA on the gun and said as an attorney some of that evidence would be more difficult to defend than others. DNA found on the gun's magazine could have ended up there days or weeks before the shooting, but DNA found on the gun itself was another matter. That's a little bit stronger evidence.

That would be a little bit more difficult to explain away," Golden said. "Generally speaking, most of the DNA found on an object will be by the person who handled it last" But Steve Waller, the assistant district attorney over the office's screening section, said while he believed the DNA found came from Egan, that did not prove he was involved in the shooting. Touching the gun does not make him the shooter, Waller said. "Did Shangalang kill that little girl? I don't know. I do know we did not have sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed that little girl and that's what our decision was based on.

The DNA is important but it doesn't always tell the whole story and it doesn't always carry the whole case." Waller said if investigators were RAIN0 4662 National Forecast Shown are noon positions of weather systems muiwiiB muns ior me nay. rorecasi nignpow 1 QhnujAi IH T-stormt as Ho Flumes jySnow 3 Ice Today HI 47 29 pc Amarilk) 54 30 pc Anchorage 30 22 Atlanta 70 50 Atlantic City 58 49 Austin 69 38 Baltimore 58 48 Billings 45 27 pc Birmingham 71 48 Bismarck 33 19 pc Boise 41 34 sn Boston 44 42 Casper 41 24 pc Charleston, SC. ....82 62 pc Chartotte ..70 50 Chicago 48 33 67 38 Cleveland 60 40 Corpus Christi 72 53 pc Denver 47 24 pc Oes Moines 43 29 sh Detroit 54 37 Duluth 34 24 st El Paso 56 37 Fairbanks 0 -9 pc Grand Rapids 48 35 Honolulu ..84 70 pc Indianapolis 59 36 Jacksonville 80 62 pc Kansas City 48 32 pc Us Vegas 54 42 sh Los Angeles .61 50 Louisville 66 43 sh Memphis .....63 45 pc Miami Beach ....84 73 pc Milwaukee 47 33 Minneapolis .....36 24 sf Nashville 68 43 New York .52 48 Oklahoma City 58 36 Tomorrow HI Lo 49 31 55 33 26 16 67 55 62 37 66 46 62 34 46 33 69 56 41 22 46 37 54 34 41 28 72 55 66 46 48 36 56 38 46 37 70 59 48 28 48 31 44 34 33 23 59 35 1 -12 45 34 83 68 52 38 79 60 54 36 56 42 65 50 56 43 62 48 85 73 44 35 38 27 65 45 40 56 38 T-atorms iTU iounrtTr- bo Heating System Tune Up Fast Quality Service Calltosetappt 222-K00L(5665) RAIN0 WIND SW 1-6 5268 RAIN 10 WIND SE 1-15 4266 For additional weather information, go to 'rr i Shown is today's weather. Temperatures Q. ArruWoathor ArM are this morning's lows and today's highs.

A Little Rock rHCCUVeaUier.COm Txarkana Q. '061 IvUgnolia 4865 Qr QtersnaJ 'Sj Ruston HO Tvfer 50i5 5467 5065 Carthai VV 6268 5065 5' 5870 All forecasts and maps, with the j. iP exception ot Storm Tracker 12, provided XjSi 'l'Vy tL CV by AccuWeather, Inc. 2004 "jf River Conditions Through 7 a.m. Monday Flood 24-hr stags YesL Changs RED RIVER DeKalb 24 18.7 -06 Index 25 9.2 -0 8 Fulton 27 123 Shreveport 30 22.2 Coushatta 31 28.0 0.1 Grand Ecore 33 27.6 0.7 Alexandria 32 24.1 0.4 LITTLE Mabel ....30 17.6 27 19.4 SABINE RIVER Logansport 28 24.1 Longview 25 5.8 0.2 OUACHITA Monroe 40 31.7 0.3 Camden 26 26.8 -1 3 Felsenthal 70 71.6 0.3 BLACK Jonesville 50 2.4 0.0 GLOVER Glover 16 4.5 0.2 Lake Conditions Through 7 a.m.

Monday Pools Release (cfs) Denison 618.5 9705 0 Toledo Bend .170.7 14669 0 Wright Patman 225.0 2720 0 Lake the Pines 228.9 1 125 0 Millwood .260.0 16434 0 Caddo Lake 169.6 3279 0 Cross Lake ...171.1 Wallace Lake 146.4 Lake Bistirteau 141.4 Sam Raybum ...167.4 o.O River Stage Forecasts RED RIVER 7th 8th DeKalb 18.6 18 7 Fulton 11.5 11.2 Shreveport 22.0 21.7 Coushatta 27.9 27.8 Alexandria 24.5 24.6 Sun and Moon Sunrise today 7:04 a.m. Sunset tonight 5:10 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow 7:05 Sunset tomorrow 5:10 p.m! Moonrise today 2:08 a.m. Moonset today 2:03 p.m. Moon Phases New First Full Last OOOCD Dec.

11 Dec. 18 Dec 26 Jan. 3 and precipitation today. Temperature lines remperaiures are given tor selected cities. JV Fronts ifiionn coy Warm.

Stationary Today Tomorrow Hi Lo HI Lo 46 29 pc 50 32 pc Orlando 82 64 pc 82 64 pc Pensacota 76 61 73 65 sh Philadelphia 56 48 60 38 pc Phoenix 62 47 pc 64 46 pc Pittsburgh .53 44 50 32 Reno 41 34 sn 52 35 St Louis 53 36 sh 56 40 Salt Lake City ..39 30 sn 41 34 sn San Antonio 71 44 68 50 sh San Francisco 58 50 60 51 Seattle 47 42 sh 50 42 Sioux Falls .39 24 pc 47 26 pc Spokane 36 32 sn 40 33 Syracuse ....45 40 46 32 Tampa 82 66 pc 82 66 pc Topeka 51 31 pc 55 34 Tucson 57 39 pc 59 37 pc Washington, DC 63 50 65 40 pc Airport hubs in bold World Outlook Amsterdam- 46 40 46 40 pc Athens 60 44 pc 57 45 pc Bermuda 70 62 pc 74 63 pc Frankfurt 46 36 pc 44 36 pc Hong Kong 68 67 72 62 Jerusalem ..63 46 57 39 sh London 49 41 50 45 pc Mexico City 75 45 pc 70 43 8 Montreal 31 29 sn 33 22 sn Moscow 33 26 sf 32 22 sn Pans 45 36 pc 47 39 pc Rome 61 46 57 44 Singapore 88 75 86 73 Tokyo 56 43 pc 59 44 Weather (W): i-sunny, pc-partty cloudy, e-cloudy, sh-showrs, t-thundefstotms. wain, sf-snow flumes, en-snow, hce. mmiiXlMiL i 0t $rt lL 2 JT RAIN 0 RAIN0 RAIN 5 53 I 60 I 62 I 53 Temperature Statistics for Shreveport Regional Airport through 5pm yesterday. High temperature 72 Low temperature 64 Normal high 60 Normal low 40 Humidity (at 4pm yesterday) 90 Record high 82 in 1951 Record low 17 in 1950 Precipitation 24 hrs ending 5pm yesterday 0.29 Month to date 0.56 Normal month to date 0.90 Year to date 60 93 Normal year to date 47.79 Mold Count Yesterday Low Source: Asthma and Allergy Clinic of Shreveport Air Quality Yesterday Good Source: National Weather Service.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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