Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

THE SUNDAY CITIZEN "DEDICATED TO THE UPBUILDING OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA" THE WEATHER NORTH CAROLINA: c'oud with rising temperature today PAGES TODAY 48 Monday increasing cloudiu ObS followed by rain. (Completo Details on rase 3 ESTABLISHED 1868 ASIIEVILLE. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JAN.

24, 1926 PRICE 7c ON TRAINS 10c j2 HUSBAND causes Coolidge and LIU ILL I 1 1 I I DEVELOPMENT OF1 I PLAYGROUND AT NIT. MITCHELL 11TER OVER TALK yksvi- unniiT nn nnnv SALARY AND WAGE COMMISSION RULE Smoot of Attempts to Delay Report on Sugar nuuui un, uuim Hi Association of Arts and Sciences Carrying Forward Its Work Starts University Says Imprisoned Man Has as Much Claim to Pole as Does Perry OTHER EXPLORERS DEFEND PERRY PLAYED ONE HUNDRED AND TEN ACRES WORKED Stefansson and MacMil- SECRET TARIFF, 10 KEEP RAISE III lan Say Cook Never Was Near the Pole Group Has 1000 Acres Which Will Be Devel- oped Eventually Flans for the development of lit) acres ns the first unit of a rV It '4 rOKT WOltTH. Texas. Jan. C.

tVi lr. Kredericlt A. Cook is ft "Ketilu.n" in (lie climaliou of Cap- 1 Norria Says Culbertson Was Urged to Hold His Report Back gigantic "mountain playground" three miles southwest of J.itile Switzerland near the McDowell-! Mitchell County boundary, was an- nounccd yesterday iiftevnoun by tain Koald Amundnen and no matter whnt he may havo done tr may not havo ilono In he de: veM tho respect of the Amer WW OVER BEFORE HAND 1 'hoto 1 a nine I tursi. 1.1 1. 10 11- no etisi.

and In bu-lm inb Jacques JJiinielson. noted p.anlt, lu arrived yesti-rdtiy at Giovc Inn for an indefinite May. Mci-i Irr. who set the "il(l on flic ilurlTic the time uf the Cc: Inv.iMi.N uf lW-lKium with In letter i. ilc.

l.iiv.l tint lUTUpM il pi UVIIH tint run. Ulli't ril pi i. a illi ci tn the f.ire uf li.lllK, illcl ill'ls csteriliiy sflcr a Iumk illnrf.s. Allhiiuull ills death was lint unexpected, It ctnlf ti Kicnt blow In tho people. t( Well Trained Man and Stenographer Start at Same Salaries STATE INSPECTION OF DAMS PLANNED Lake Lanier Dam Break Causes Call for Offi cial Overseers By nnocK hauklly (By LCttf-wl Wire) HAL-KICK, Jan.

Legists-'tl'u providing for Ptnte Inspection of nil dams ami bridges advocated by the North Carolina Society of Lnglneeni at Its annual meeting hero today. lavinir in iniiul tlio fail of TiUe Jantcr dam. the ot-to ask the next Crncrnl As- hombly fnr an law anil fnr regulations to insure the ade-m nmvy'of engineering design. Mum hers said their action meant no 0 reflection on Hip entineeifi who that U'llce I tinier dam. The ofrert of.

i he. law, they explained, would he to ire vent chen construction and roijutto dams and bridges to comply with recognized standards. Attack Salaries The tn and wage com-minion and iis pay Hchcdules for technic. illy trained men drew chief attention a ml marked criticism from the meeting. A resolution was passed providing for a committer to rail on 'Jovfrnor Me Lean and mako formal request for tho appointment of on engineer to the committee when the next vacancy occurs.

C. A. Mecx, of Charlotte. was elected president of the society. W.

V.i nee Hairdo, of Ualeigh, inemher of i)ie engineering staff of the Stale lliph way Commission, was mmied vice president, and A. L. Hooper, the Federal Bureau ol Baleifih, secretary treasurer. Directors were chosen as follows: For the Western District, Dr. Charles Waddcll.

AsheviTle; 'en ra 1 THvt rict W. B. Klker. of fleldsville; District, John Morrison, P.aleigh. Panton Fannie Hurst Came Here to Be Free to Write, and Does Not Know How Long She Will Stay President Told Glassie, Who Owned Stock, 'to Do His Duty WASHINGTON.

23. (P Administration influenco lo delay iho tariff commission's report on sugar until tho 1324 elections, wai charged In tbo Senate today -by Senator orris, 'Nebraska. Hoth President Cnolldga niitl Senator Smoot, Itepuhlb-aii, Utah wero uccuiied of attempting to por-Hiiade Mr. Culbertson, na a member of tho commlsKlon, to delay th report of tho propositi lo Increan Ki.T.MMlMiul MM, 1 IM-. Norwood ti- Carroll, of Ilaleiyli who has associated with Imn 1'ixon, noted writer an.

I author of Tlio Clansman" on bich "The uf Nation' based, "Tho Leopard Spots'' and oilier narratives uf tho recon-htruction period. Work has already been started on a hotel, ho first section of which will accommodate approximately guests, an auditorium to seat Keverat hundred and numerous summer collates for tourists, according to In forma I ion obtained rstcrday. SoweraKe, water electric liuhl systems will he install: as won iim weather conditions will permit, Jr. Carroll declared, AsMH-inltnu The Mount Mitchell Association of Arts and Sciences, wlnVi toou anticipates filing an application for incorporation papers with tho Secretary of Slat.1, is promoting the mountain Mih-iliviKion. The first unit, lots of which will bo placed on sale within Ibe next two weeks, has been named "Wildacres" by th- developers.

rustic hotel, which will contain the natural ringed characteris Had to Get Away From Durkin Complains of Dirty Jail Linen, So He Gets the Washtub (he tariff on sugar. Tho president was rhnrged with "holding tlio Xnreat ot prosecution for violation of tlio law over th head of the commissioner In an ican pen pip for IiIh Intrepid in. (Tonk may not havo discovered the pole, but Conininn-dcr it. K- I'eaiy albo may not have, and the former ban a.t wood a claim a.i the latter, Ca plain Amundsen nnhl hero today, "I don't know whet Iter ho de-fervcH to bo la prison or not," Aiiiumen atd. "To mo ho was alwa.vH a gentUH.

AVhen wo wore young men together in a Helxliui Anliucttc expedition 1 wU that if any man ever reached tbo North Pull? 11 would lie ir. Conk. "I 1 r. Cook camo back fioiu iho noilh an tho dlscoverrr of tlm pole. I hh aniong thojtp ulm mected him at lie lipfan immediately to put the lory of his dtKcuvery nnd explora-tloim in writ lug.

Jailer, Com man -vv viiirnrd claim of diHirovery and an attack on 1 r. CooU claini. The ulltniato result WiiH illsKiaco for Dr. Cook. "1 ha vo read I Cook's utory and 1 have rend peary'H, In l'eary'n Mory 1 havo not found anything tif not covered already by Mr.

Cook." Auiundpen dcchti A that the evldencn lint Captain Donald MacMlllau one nf reary'a companions, gathered "In an effort to diM-redit In. Cook," was "of no Importance." MacMilliin got atatcmenlB from tho l'klmoa nn lo bo leiiK'h of time lr. Cook Hpent. in tlio Hirm-toforo unexplored nKlonn In an effort lo pxovo he had not had tinn lo reach tho pole, Amundnen explained. experience linn been that tho native Ktdthimn will give you tho Kind of answer you aro looking for," Amundsen said.

"Miic-M I linn hii id to th" lkhno, 'I n. Cook only away from Camp one CENERAUS DEMI Cardinal Mercier Passes Peacefully After Extended Illness l.ndy AVarwIck, a Hritlsh peeress who hns (I on ii much in behalf of labor and trade unionism In Kitg-Innd, has taken Hie first step towards the creation of an International labor university. Warwick bus offered Knslon l.odxe, her seat In Ksscz county, aa tho site ot tho University. (fly APMK) CHICAGO, Jan. 23 (TV Martin Mirk in, tho "loiivh bold bad Pian" as he has been frequently pictured in newspapers, became tho meek and mild "mist rers" of the county Jail today, being forced t' do bis own washing.

Ho complained of everything possible to police, attorneys and jail attaches and laid such stress upon "dirty linen" nnd "cold IF that the hoap and tub exercise was con-fddrred an athletic workout which also would keep him warm. INQUEST WILL BE tics of the mountain M-cimn, will be constructed of ioukIi boards unl rock and will Kiace the bei.itn of I'oinpci Knob, tho nit it into of bich 1h about 4 feet. The property Is situated along Statfl Highway Jtoutc No. Ifl and is about milej from Asheville by way of Marioji, and is also accessible by wav uf Wcaverville nnd Hui usviile. Tlio Mount Mitchell BELGIUM SORROWS AFTER HIS PASSING Man Who Lived Life Close to Tenets Causes Bells to Toll The society's fight, on the eftlarj.j of Arts and Sciences own approxi effort to Kot him lo postpono tlm report nnd with finally appointing Mr.

Culbertson ns a mlnlstor to Ifumanla lo get lilm off tho com in Ki Ion. Scmior Smoot was accused of calling the commissioner into a "secret" conference with sugar, men opposed to a reduction ot the Niifiar duty. Tho conference, Mr. Norrls Maid, wu.s attended by Sen-; ator Phlppe, Kcpuhlicau, Colorado, nnd about members of the House of Representative and spokesmen for Ibe sugar interests. Iteplles In reply, Senator Smoot nalrl noiblug occurred at tho conference that bo would not ho willing' for tlie "wholo world to-know" nnd that Mr.

Culbertson. railed because ho sugar men felt they nhould have turther hearing. The Nebraska Henator further chared that, while the tariff commission wnn deadloeked three to three on the siiRar case, Mr. Culbertson was offered a position on Uio Kederai Trade Commission at un tnuretisn In salary. JIn nlso declared that l'reeldent Coolidge sent word to Commissioner Olassle, whose wife and other relative.

Senator Norrt sold, owned worth of augar lock, thnt expected him to do liia duty ns ho saw it. Ho added that Commissioner ti lassie pro-reeded to do It nnd the deadlock commission schorl 11)0 of pay for professional men lit the states employ va opened in a speech bj JT. D. ranton. of Raleigh.

Ho declared that tinder the salary schedules nn engineer who has spent four expensive year nt eollego and a stenographer with, four weeks in fl husinesa college would be started to work at the panic rata of pay, from $125 to $lf0 tho month. The society's resolution of pro-. test complained that tho practice In Mm PniKwInilnn III 3 (7wrnr-dimil of n0lm died nt 3 this afternoon and tho triot iiixl Kteiit was by the tollhis holla throuKbout the Hod pnft.M.fy eurrounded by Ms fam-HV. The flinerill will toko nlnrn nt Hloep' and hnd IiIm head on his bandH tf denote tho punning one ulKht ami tho Ksklmo nodded mately i.iMio ncres In northern Ale I owell County nnd Mitchell county, which owners tentatively plan to develop at laltr date lighten tors Promoters of tho project plan to brim; to Hie colony each summer leading educators of tho nation to deliver addressee In the laro auditorium which it to bo built. The Initial organization of the association was recently completed with the following officers: Thomas lxon.

president; Klllott JJanner-field nnd Henry W. Ijiinlei, vice-presidents, and Dr. Carroll, secretary and treasurer. Numbered That was the kind of evi Mitllneii on Thursday and the body will be tntnpurted thero tonlfrht. dence lined to discredit Dr.

Cook1 AiiiundMtMi doc In red. 'i. no io miiiio in tno Hich fpiwnpni refl.lenee. Tlio holdlnc vt imtforiftl funeral will not condiieivo to the best interests of tho St a to or tho professional declaring a. "more equitable basis should be STKI'ANSSOV (OMI'S TO or nKNVKIt.

23. among the members of the a tvisory board are the following. Mr. H. V.

president of tho 1'niversity of North t'arollna, Or. William 1. Few, president of J)uko University, Ir, Willis in 1'oteat, president of Wake Forest College; Dr. K. Urooks, president of North Coroner's Jury to Resume Investigations at 11 This Morning Investigation by members of ibe police, department.

Into the murder of r. Annie Mny Iturgcss, who was plain near tlm Intersection of Montfoni Avenue nnd Street Wednesday night which havo been condiK-ted during tho few days witii conxlderabbt intensity, will culminate at II oVlork this morning in tho ndjourued hi-quest by the cron-r. Chief It. Mrwer staleil Inst night lhat pructlcally his emlro plain clothes squad hud been working on this case since tho body of tbo young woman was discovered lylni: in a patch of wools c-irly Thursday morning, and that tho department Jind received ahmt Innumerabln calls and had Investigated many rumors of Information that might shed no mo light on the cane. In the midst of all this activity on tho part of the officers, one figure In silent, William (Mill) Davis, held for Invcsl IkmI Ion in connection with the crime, in the! county Jail, remains unmoved by the volleys of nuentlotm that have been fired nt him In nn effort to fix Out crime on hla shotilderr.

Hnvla Is said to havo been a Carolina College of Agi Iculturo and Jt nutnorized tno president to ap-point a committee of five members to Investigate the basis upon which salary classifications are made, ascertain wherein they result in inequalities and in-equltles, to confer Avjlli the salary commlwion regarding them and then to call on (lovernor McLean and ask him To put an engineer on tho commission when the next vacancy occurs. In accordance with a recommendation tiy Professor Tucker of State College, who f-noko on the operation nf the engineer!) licensing law. the society authorized the Appointment of a. legislative committee to keep members Informed on measures pending in the General Assembly affecting the profession. The time and place of the cumme*r meeting was.

left. In a commit-Pe, which will arrange for ses I.mtineerinK; Or. J. J. Fou-t, president of North Carolina.

Collect for Women; Or. Oella Oixon-Carroll, president of Meredith College, nnd Or. Charles tiny, Justice of New York City supreme court, who is chairman of the advlwoty commit tee. The opening address In the new auditorium Is to be delivered by Or. Guy.

Vllhjitlmur hlefatiMson, noted Arc-t Irr explorer, tonight took Issuo with the statement made In Koit Worth, today by Jtaobi Amundsen, who tleelaicd Dr. Frederick A. Cook's claim to discovery of tho North Polo wero plausible as ihoso of the lute Commander Robert I'l. Peary. "If ((noted correctly, Amundsen's statement is most extraordinary," HetfansHOii said, "I have always dlsaKreed with Amundsen even on Important points but never more violently than this.

"Peary had a. lifetime of Integrity behind him, while Cook's earner lias been one of consistent faking, ever slnco ho faked the Mt. civ I ley climb, when he claimed lo have ascended to tho crest and it was later proved that he never was more than half wny to tho top. 11 li career of faking continued from that flmc until It landed him In tho Federal penitentiary, "Conk's Htory reads throughout llko fiction, while Peary'a reads like fact. Amundsen's experience In the Arctic has been on shipboard, on land or on land-fast Polar Ice until thin last summer when on his unsuccessful aerial dash for tho pole.

"Amundsen could not have said Cook's claims wero ns plausible uh Peary's if he hnd had any non- HEAVY LIFE TOLL TAKEN BY FLANIES IN. LARGE, HOTEL Eleven Bodies Recovered and Twelve More Believed in the Ruins Jan. 23. iT) Eleven bodies had been recovered tonight from the ruins of the Ia-Kayette Hotel, the city's oldest hostelry, which was destroyed by Flames early today. Twelve or more persons were KtlU unaccounted for and woro thought to be in the ruins.

Tho wnlla still mantling, will bo dynamited tomorrow in make the task of the bcarchers less dangerous. Fight of the bodies wero Identified. They were: Alexander Troup, Uoardman. Clearfield County, William Shanahan, Ventnor, N. nines' McKeever, AHenton; James M.

Wells, Allentown; Mrs. Anna Novotnak, Heaver Meadow; fieurge Levaii. Allentown; John l'elehan, Allentown; Mrs. Ida Hanschan, ssi'hneckville. Thirteen persons are In hospitals.

Tho cause of the blaze was wt Ml undetermined tonight. Herbert W. Guth. director of public nafely, said there would be a tnorough investigation of a report that Just before tho first cry of firo there was an explosion in a room on an upper floor. This report was somewha discredited by ltalph Lehman, the night clerk and Melancthon 1'saw.

a newspaper worker and lodger at the hotel. Uffiiw had just reached the hotel after his night's work. Ho stopped to talk with the night clerk. Their conversation was interrupted by a terrifying cry "fire" from upstairs. Hoth ran to the second floor and aroused those rooming but the spread of tho flames was, so rapid they had to flee to djve their lives.

Neither heard any ex- plosion preceding the first alarm, they said. 1 Guests on the fourth and fifth (top) floors, unable to cscnpe through by tho hallways, were hanging from windows when the firemen arrived. Nets were of little use because of an old-time narrow roofed porch tint extended the wholo width of the first floor. William D. Cassor.em owner of the hotel, estimated tho property as being worth $200,000.

never won in nave nein nroken but for (he action of Congress. Curtis Senator Curtis, of Kansas, th Itepubllcan loader, told the Hen- nto It waa not "fair" to say that Mr. Culbertson had been given a diplomatic appointment in remove him from tho commission an lie had asked for a diplomatic post a year before ho obtained one and also had applied for a position on the trade commission. Klaborating on tho charges against tho i 'onimlsslon. Senator Norrls aald Mr.

Culbertson had been accused ot violating tho law hv loettn ing ut a MusaachusetU and that former Attorney (ieneinl Htono hud submitted nn adverse report on tho caa to President Coolidge. "President Coolidge sent for Culbertson," the senator said, "and talked with hlui about tho charges nnd. as Culbertson was about to lenve the office and with the adverse report lying on his. desk, the President rkhIii asked Culbertson If he could not delay the sugar report." This failed, he declared, and Mr. CulbcrtHon waa given tho appointment as minister to Kumanla.

C.MUUili SAYS ni HBANK 1XXIHS AT IT WRONG sions in connection with the. conventions of the State (sections of New York Because Another Book Is Ready AUTHORTAKES UP WORK AT THE INN Doesn't Know When Next Child Will Be Ready; Takes It Easy BV A. K. N. IlITCHISOV "Why am I here? Because I have a Jtook to write, because 1 had lo get away from New York, where my last hook was just com-insr off the press and 1 cannot stand to sec bok published that I wrote a year ago.

How long am golnp to stay? Uow do 1 know, I never know how long I shall be anywhere. I just move wlmii the spirit moves me, as you mieht tay." Not all In one breath, but simply, naturally and nfter a little questioning, cnnic the above remarks-from Kaiinlo Hurst. Need 0110 tell who Fannie Hurst is? Surelv It is superfluous, but here Is a brief Who's Who of the distinguished visitor at Grove Park inn, where sho arrived yesterday. Kannle Hurst is an author and a playwright, ns well known to the world perhaps as any contemporary writer, or writers who came before her. Her last book just off the press is "Appassion-ata" and previous to that was her famous "-Mannequin," the K.O.OSt) Liberty' Magazine prize story, recently shown hero in motion pictures.

A-ftv of her other works aro "Just Around the "livery Soul Hath Its "Gaslight "Star and There, lhat should servo lo refresh tho memories of any who inijrht nae failed to recognize the famous writer. Later we shall give another glimpse into her biography. "MUs Hurst" Accompanying Miss Hurst Is her husband, Jacques Danlelson, distinguished pianist. But do you call her Miss Hurst, sonienno asks. Wo were not certain of that ourselves yesterday in interviewing her.

"In asking for you at tho desk just now, I did not know whether to ask for Miss Hurst or Mrs. JJan-lelson. said, Miss Hurst, was that right?" was the question put to her. "As you please." Miss Hurst smiled. "Usually I am called Miss Hurst, njirl I suppose I prefer it.

It is strange, you know, but it is my husband which objects most strenuously. "What, to your being called Miss Hurst?" "Oh, no. to the Mrs. Pantelson. I don't know whether It Is a or otherwise, and I never havo questioned him about It.

After all, it is a question of personal opinion, whether or not a woman chooses to take her husband's name or keep her own." For the enlightenment of those who may not know of this phase of Miss Hurst's private life, it may be said here that the renowned writer created quite a stir at the time of her marriage to Mr. Dan-lolson, when she announced her plan of living In separate apartments with occasional breakfasts dinners, theatre engagement ami so on with her husband in much tho same manner one telephones ami makes a "date" with friends. But that Is past history. Grnelou There Is nothing in the manner of Miss Hurst or in her conversation Oi.t would lead one to believe she Is famous. Gracious, un affected and absolutely without any signs of egotism.

In tho Interview, for Instance, It was with difficulty that tho reporter kept from being Interviewed by Miss Hurst. A little trick phe has of turning tho tables and trying to get you to talk about yourself In-stoad of giving any information about herself. "How did I happen to come here? I had lo get away from New York, my bonk was helng published, and to see book which I'vo written a year ago coming off the press is unbearable to me. We must get away, I told my husband, but here, I did not know. Wo look If tt lo pamphlet nnd thero I saw Tryon (Norlh Carolina).

Tho name appealed to me and came. "Tryon Is a dear tlttlo place nnd It looked Ideal for my work -I in writing a new book. Far from tho maddening crowd, I thought. But there Is no such thing. Oo not let me convey the wrong Impression, though, I nve people ti.rt I war shown the greatest and most hos-pliable attention at Tryon.

1 was grateful, but I mint work. And (Please Turn to Tage Two) me American society of civil engineers nnrt the society of mechanical engineers. sweetheart of the dead woman, APPKAL loit lTXHKit JS SOll.11 OF COURT nnd It wm: shown nt the first Inquest thnt he had made threats against her life, but so far tho pollen havo been unable tn obtain direct evldencn which would Identify hint as the wleldet of the iron Imr that ended the life of tho upon uy tho cJmroh of miiiiNfciH. Kalf an hour before Iho end, tho cardinal' mind, which had been extraordinarily clear (hm keen beKan to fall ami ImoihIiIiik bo-came dlfficuM. In tlio lam hour Cardinal Knuped Iho hand of Kroiher Hulieit, who had so fnlthfully watched ov-r him, and with Jluberl'fl Innid iu hin tho cardinal breathed IiIh Ium.

A nun held tbo other baud, in which mIio had placed a lighted candle, Jiini; Trlhnht Klnc and 1'ilnio Leopold mine to Si. Jean clinic, when they learned of the pawing of tho cardinal nnd remained for mweral minutes Kllently beside the bier whero tho body Jay clothed in ceremonial rope. Trior to this, liuiKomader ciiiiih pernotmlly to record tho death of his ancient war-tim ally, Cardinal died nn ho had lived, at peace with m'-ti of tfood will, hut fiKhf Iiik Krimly hk.iIuhI the ltiroart of ilirddioUri dleaNu for weekH with tho resolute and undaunted couiuko with which ho had faced tho onemfeH of his country during four long years of occupation. JjuriiiK Iho seventy-four year of hlM well filled life, Cardinal lived up lo all tho precept of tho but. was no passive martyr.

Opposed Ucrmnn "The Scripturo boh that when smitten on tho loft cheek, wo muni turn the riKhl. ho once remarked to Urand Whltlock, the American minister, in tho Any it of 1915, when the German general, von HiMnf? kept him virtually prln-oner In hln palace nt "but it lay down no rule about what we must do thereafter." How the great prelate Interpreted that onilAslon all tho world knows. The cardinal's principal Interest In life fiinoe tho war had been hln work to hrltiK tho high church of Knglnnd and tho Itntrmn Catholic church dower together and although nothing of a concrete character waa ever accomplished he hnd not altogether lout hope of eventually realizing nn aim which wnfl very dear to him. All the newApn per's publlMie'l special editions thl evening announcing the cardinal' dentil fPIeaae Turn lo 1'nge Twoi WASHINGTON'. Jan.

23. lUI.TlMOIllS. 23. (ft T)r. Alexis Carrnl, famnlm nurgcoli, rtopa not concur In I.iillifr Hur-liank's viewpoint of rcllKlon In relation in Kclcnco.

Tho fmnoua horticulturist. In a ntntomnnt nil-inittlnff ho In nn InfWicI, nuhl "ns a ficlcntlft 1 ennnot help but feel that all religions aro on a tottering foundation." "lietween true science and true rellRlon, thero can be no conflict, salil Dr. Carrel. "They operate In entirely illntlnct fields." Jir. Carrel, discoverer uf the Deiikin anliillon, which was of immense valuo during tho world war, was a member of the staff of Jtockefeller Jnstltuto from to 1912 and won the Nobel prlzo for RUturlnff blood veanels and bodily tmnsplantlng orKnnn In J912.

JIo Is attending a gathering of phjal. clans and surgeons at Johns Jlop-klns Medical Hchool. young woman. (Jlenn Parmer Is nlso being do- MleJ by meujberjf tt the ttoJico Hhivrftbln cxitvrtvitva with th ritav-Ing lee." Htefansson then took out paper and pencil and drew what he said was "conclusive evidence of me supreme court today was asked to grant an appeal to Thomas Folder, New York nitornev, wlio wad convicted with Gaston B. Means, of chargas of conspiracy to offer money to Harry as attorney general, and other department of Justice officials, 1o prevent the conviction of certain persons and to obtain the removal of evidence, files from the department.

lit his petition, Felder claimed ho had not been confronted during the trial by witnesses against him; i that the Indictment had not charg-" 'ed any crime; that tho government Cook's faking evidence based on the only tangible thing ho I-ft to check." He referred to Cook's statement regarding nstronltnlcal position ho took in 1908 near rum-mere Island. Here ZJr. Cook said he made a sun nnd star sight and MIXEKS AND OPERATORS stated himself at 7fl 1-2 degrees nilAj UO.W li.VK AGAIN maoo improper uso or grand Jury minutes In examining wit- nej.f.08 and that there was lack of proof to connect him with tho of-fenso charged. north and 101 1-2 east" said Hte-fanseon. "lie also an.

Id at this sight he looked enstwnrd and saw only a hnry outline of Kllsmep Island. Ho Raw Kllef Rlgnes to the southwest and Amu ml Rlgnes to the sout beast. This is 'correct, 1( he was there, hut. 1 am convinced NAVY PKANK VOUCI 1) JH)V Oi l1 FfAOIUD.l I A Jan. 23.

(AV-OtrU elnl confirmation of report that; the Navy seaplane S-l-3 had been forced down and sunk 12 miles north of St, AuRiistlne, about noon today were nude litre early tonlglit by Navy officer folio win a) arrlvnl ot ten seaplanes In Biscay a Bay. The plane carried three ocem pants. lieutenant J. G. Johnson, R.

Import, aviation pilot, an T. T. Mcl.onn, aviation machinists, mate first class, all of whom wer believed to have been reecued by another seaplane which was or tiered a stand by. The report wns substantiated by Lieutenant I. Schtossbach, senior officer of the squadron, who declared thnt he had witnessed the forced landing of the seaplane and of ite sulieeqnent sink Ins; in th ii usually heavy seas running along tho eodt at this rlut- He said another ship of the air fleet went to the rescue of the three men, whom he last saw clinging to tho two pontoons.

department for possible connection with the crime. Ho fur 'he tileo hn remained iii lent In regard tu the murder. Still Confident The police, however, have never lost confidence In their ability to fix the lilume for the slaying and last night continued to follow tho lines of Investigation that hnd been opened up by their eTfortB. Vet- expressed the opinion last night thnt this is one ot tho most complicated mysteries thst has confronted the police here for no mo time. A number of new witnesses have been summoned to appear at the Inquest this morning nnd additional Information, It Is believed will be developed as a reeult of the hearing.

The coroner nt the last session, continued the hearing until members of the pollen department could conduit further Investigation Into the rime. Solicitor -I. Kil Swuln will probably bo present I his morning as an Interested observer and may bo requested to asslet in the examination of sninn of the witnesses, 11 (ft understood. commission,im:s TO IMSMINS COMPLAINT ANDICRSOV li; IV MIS OWN JlFJ'KNKF, he never was there; for eight years nm.viin.N, jn. pi PHILADELPHIA, Jan.

23. (IT) Anthraclto miners and oporators will meet again In Joint conference In a few days for another battle to end tho long coul strike. The meeting will he held at the request of John I Lewis, of the United Workers, hut the operators already have served notice that the plan on which the call for further conference is based Is fundamentally unsound and does not nfford a satisfactory basis for a contract. afterward in 1910 on this identical akot, 1 looked to the east 1 ho in vest tpallon by Senate Judiciary nuli-ctniimitteo Into protects nsalnst the confirmation of and liiiw an Island. Hitherto undis VII)S WARM WINTF.It SWKIT MIDDLE WF.ST covered, 1 named It Melt; hen Is land.

Kllsniere Island Ilea fnr to the east of this Hnd he could not have seen Klsmere Island from this spot. If he hnd sighted anv land to tho east It would have been Meighen Island." SAVH lllv was mio Avv nonKKOHl), 111.., 2:1. iVl Ciinilniinilrr JJnnnlil II. Arrest of Russian Railroad Men in China Causes Threat pf Soviet Arms At Harbin Unless They are Liberated CHICAGO, Jan. 23.

fTj Warm winds today caused considerable moderation of tho zero wave that held tho middlo west In its grip fnr 48 hours, but weather bureau indications were that another cold wind is hurry Imr hero from the northwest, although it Is not expected to send the mercury to zero. The thermometer hero climbed from two above at 7 a. tf' 2.1 above nt A p. and the roldeet tonight Is expected to be 16 above. Acmctiri in; is HKi'oit i 1 i to iioi'sr; i-enoral Jlarry B.

Anderson of tho Wffitem Tennetiseo dlntrlct ended abruptly today nfter Judge Anderson had testified In his own defopye. Mginoiisly nphohling all his ac-llons finic ho received a recess appointment last Sept em her, the Jurist freely discussed with tho suh-committce the protests axajnsl him. Called to the stand by W. V. Xumbrunn, counsel for those pro-tet in his confirmation, ho denied lalHification of records and all other tliaipc referrliiK to his nc-1 lotw which were complained of as "too liberal" he taid ho would repeat them if called upon again.

HAM, tin: It All, KO Ml CONSOLIDATION WASHINGTON, Jan. wiliI loihiy ho Mnol with tho inuB of Dr. Froilorlck A. (ok. on iot whom ('nok rnlnoil hi.

fliiK nnil i-iilloil it tho North Polr. nnl II wit 000 nillCK from tho North I'olo. This wnt Iho rrply of Ciiiiininn ili-r H. i'oury'ii oxiorlltliih tu iiptaln Itonlil AiiiuiKlhi'ii'n liMl'r- rou som.s will nt: mtoAIKWsr THIS WKI.K NKW YORK. Jan.

23. (P) foil? souks will havo a prominent plsca on the programs to be broadcast from Luropimi countries In th International radio broadcasting texts which will hegln tomorrow and continue for a week. Houlon 8tnrk. secretary of P. A.

Andiiie a radio firm assisting In the teats, today announced additional programs from seven stations In Wales, Scotland, tiermauy. Austria and Cechn-Klovakla. A prouiuui from Lureclomt. Spain, wan reoieved by Ka I io Itrondc.iM Cardiff Wale, on Wednesday niKht will bro.tdiMut a program old Welih songs sung by Walter ilynne. tenor, a pa n'1-! by Frederick Hall, harpist.

The station trio of wilt alto bioad cuflt operatic selecUons, a Fndorsenicnt was given today by WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Wt The 1 edernl Trade Commission declined today to dismiss a complaint niiulnit the Amerban Am-Morintloii of Advertising fluencies, charging unfair methods of compel It Ion, and the facts now must ho determined by a commission examiner. Tho motion for dismissal asserted tho commission was without Jurisdiction. Commls-nlntier Humphrey dissent oil from (he decision of the majority.

The complaint. Issued by tho commission more than a year a bo, charges a conspiracy between publishers and advertising Associations lo compel nntlnnal advertiser to use. tbo ANSoclntloim In plueing d-veittihg in newspapers throughout the Culled Ufitcs, Jan. 23. A threat) of a Hovlet occupation of tho railway at Harbin.

Manchuria, I headquarters of the Chinese enst- ei railway, was telegraphed to-flay to iMarshal Chang Tso-Mnn, dlr-tator of Manchuria by M. Karak-han, soviet mnhassador to China, following the urrost yesterday of M. Jvanoff, Jtusnlau general manager ami three Russian directors of the railroad. The arrests were made at Ilarbln by order of Marshal Chang or hln subordinate, following several days of controversy over th light of Chinese troops to ride without payment of fares. Ambassador Katakhnn threat was supplemented hv a tdegi am from the Peking foreign "Iflco to Chang and other military leader" concerned.

Insisting Ihst M. Ivanoff bo released in the interest of wood relations of litissir. Chiiia 'his messnue was sent a fter M. Knrakhan had protested vliiorouly to the foreign office, Meanwhllo the Chinese nuthml-ties of the road, disregarding the Russian right to share In canted i tho business managi im'nl of the rnnd, Imve appointed a white manager of the southern of the Jinn from llnbln to Chang Chtiu and am selling ilck-rJs am! runniiiff tialus south fioin Harbin, Inlerstiito Commissioner Mull to provisions of the Cummins railroad consolidation bill. Insofar ns 1 hey icniovo tho rcstriitions from tniii nun innR'i fliihue to Imvf! ilbirivoroil Hie iiolo ii noilnil IViiry'd.

'Thoro In do (loillit at all." Mill OnmuimliT MiirMllliin. "Iii the tnlnil of ovory ninn (lint win with I'niry, thnt I'riiry roni'hnl the Polo. Thoro In ilmiht In III. iniiul of iirnr-ticiiiy ovorylioily thnt Dr. trmiit romo with r.oo tnllc of It.

I'c-itry'n olnlin in ImyliiR imi'Ii-o1 tlio North I'olo In follv nn crioil WASHINGTON, Jan, 23. (Pj An appropriation of over budget estimate. Is carried in the annual agricultural appropriation bill, reported today to the House, for the study of Southern crop ln-ect pestjt. "No new methods control of (he boll weevil have. Iiepn developed," the eiib-eoinmltteo which drafted the measure, reported, Kx-perlments and invesiltfnlions.

however, will continue as In the past, it was edded, th present law on inethorl of ifirl(lntlon and delay, ibo time wnn th coniinlsslon must nln of meiirers. Chairman rctmTV of the commlifsiun, has ns Aniut.dM'n's iu haiug i cached i ths Houth polo," 1 "Ppoied the bill..

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

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