The Shelby Sentinel from Shelbyville, Kentucky (2024)

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The Shelby Sentineli

Shelbyville, Kentucky

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fJWUBIAN Tj Univonltf Read Label Above This CXI I No 3 4 Remit Check If In Arrears S11ELBYVI111 KENTUCKY RIDAY AUCUST 2S 195:1 OUNDED Two Way Radio System At Office Qpg gy Street estival Date Set or Oct 14 are Shelby Co air 4 Champions And Their Animals 5WWW" CHAMPIONS AND THEIR ANIMALS Left to right roman City Schools To Start Sept 3rd Lizzie Downs Placed In Jail Two Men Hurt As Truck Overturns Registration Begins Monday August 31 According to Superintendent Mrs Ray registration at the Shel byville Public Schools will begin Monday August 31 and will pro ceed according to the following Schedules Monday August 31 8:30 am Seniors at High School 10:15 Jun iors at High School 8:30 aan irst Grade at Elementary School Tuesday Sept 1 8:30 am Sophom*ores at High School 10:15 reshmen at High School and at 8:30 the second through sixth grades at Elementary School Wednesday Sept 2 8:30 am 7th and Sth grades at tlie High School No elementary pupils will be re quired to attend on Wednesday Ort Thursday morning at 8:15 aU pupils will report for work During the first week the afternoons will be devoted to faculty meetings and in service training programs Mrs Louise Wilson pf Co lumbus Ohio will bring' special materials and wodern trends in reading to the group at one meet ing and Miss Eliza Clark 'former president of KEA will be a spe cial consultant All afternoon meet ings will begin at 1 and are open to the public The Health Committee urges par ents to return all health examina tion forms on registration day' especially useful during storms which interrupt telephone as well as electric aervice The fixed station antenna is lo cated atop the Shelbyville water tower Its tip is 180 feet high Using the call letters KIH229 the short wave radio system uses frequency modulation which makes it static free The Shelbyville district's radio system is the fourteenth to be in stalled byK Twenty seven more systems are to be added in other areas served by the company Mrs Golder Willis and Misses Mary Thomas Cooper and Mary fane Wilborn of the district office staff King district construc tion superintendent and Mr Nie meier operate the base station here Needy of Shelby Receive $15220 In Assistance Payments During month of July Needy residents of Shelby County received a total of $15220 in public assistance payments during July ac cording to a report issued today by the State Division of Public Assist ance which administers the Old AgeAssistance Aid to Dependent Chil dren and Aid to the Needy Blind programs in Kentucky The report divided total payments among the three programs this way: $10964 to the aged $4124 to fam ilies of dependent children and $132 to the needy blind A total of $3366615 was dis tributed to the needy throughtout the state in July compared to $3 353338 in June Last month the needy aged received $1956506 $1315981 was spent to aid de pendent child: en and tlie needy blind received $94128 Average payments remained about the same as In previous months Each aged recipient received an average of $3519 in July The average for aid ot dependent chil dren was $6452 and the needy blind average was $3520 Signs Installed Regulations Will Go Into Effect Sept 1st One way street signs are being installed for the direction of traffic nn Mam and Washington Streets One way traffic regulations will go into effect at 12 (midnight) August 31 Traffic will be routed EAST on MAIN ST and WEST on WASHINGTON ST A neon sign with arrow will be placed at irst and Main Streets and tlie west en trance of alternate 60 will also have signs The new alternate 60 ex tends from irst St to inchvillo Road Signs and islands Indicating lines of traffic will lie placed at va rious places sufficiently indicating rules of traffic speed parking This regulation will be strictly forced etc en US Naval Ordnance Plant Needs Machinists Machinists $204 per hour urgently needed by the US Naval Ordance Plant Southside Drive Louisville Ky Applicants are re quired to have had four years of experience in the machinist trade ull information including instmc tions on how to apply may be ob tained from the Local Secretary Mr Eggen Jr located at Shelbyville Post Office Executive Secretary Board of US Civil Service Examiners Depart ments of the Army Navy and Air orce Room 445 ederal Building Lousville Ky or the Sixth US Civil Senice Region Post Office Building Cincinnati Ohio ry Bagdad Baby Beefi Jimmy Cowherd Shelbyvile' Guernsey Joe Phil Moss Simpsonville Holstein and Boyd Radcliffe Bagdad Jersey Charged WiJh Cutting Wounding Herbert Smith Chief of Police Roy Jones and Patrolman Kingsolver on Tuesday afternoon arrested Lizzie Downs colored charged with cutting and wounding Herbert Smith colored who lives at 98 Tenth Street The affair occurred Monday night in Martinsville Smith was cut on the arm and in the side and is in a critical condition at Daisy Saffell Hospital His con dition at first necessitated urgent treatment at the Daughters Hospital and he was later sent to the Colored Hospital The woman a notorious character has been in the penitentiary At her examining trial yesterday she was held to the grand jury under $500 bond on the charge of cutting and wounding and $250 bond for carrying concealed a deadly weapon She was held in jail rances and roman ry Enter Steers In Beef Show More local steers have been en tered in 8th annual Bourbon Beef Show which features $8500 in premiums The cattle 5 Angus steers have been entered by rances and roman ry No 1 Bagdad The Bourbon Beef Show will be held at the Bourbon Stock Yards in Louisville on November 11 12 and 13 It is the richest fat cattle show in the South and the third richest in the nation There are two prizes of $1000 given at the show These go to the Grand Champion and to the Grand Champion Carload Another large prize is $500 given the Grand Cham pion Croup of three The reserve champion in each of these three categories receive $250 Corp Douthitt Arrives In San rancisco Today The Secretary of the Army has advised Mr and Mrs Yoder Douthitt that their son Corp Charles Douthitt who was recently released from prison is a passenger aboard USNT General Hase due to arrive in San rancisco Calif port of im barkation ort Mason today The message stated that he will be pro cessed at ort Mason or Camp Stoneman and placer! on leave with out delay Corporal Douthitt who has been serving in the US Army for five years has been missing in action in Korea since November 29 1950 He was released last week from Pan niimjon along with six other Ken tucky prisoners Committee Appointments To Be Made In 2 Weeks The 1953 Shelby Tobacco esti val date has been et for October 4th accmding to Harold Saun ders Chamber of Commerce Di rector and General Chairman of this gala event AH Committee appointments will lie made by Mr Saunders within the next two weeks as well as the Schedule of activities and entertain incut Some changes will be neces sary in arrangements for this year estival Since insurance restric tions will not permit the annual banquet to be held in a warehouse again this year other plans must be made for this event As in previous years the Renfro Valley Band will again be on hand to furnish entertainment through out the day on Main Street With the traffic converted to Washing ton Street all activities held on our main thoroughfare will be much easier conducted This program will include all events popular in the past such as the Coon Drag King and Queen Coronation Parade of loats Spe cial Events Contests plus some new' activities which will lie formu lated by the estival Committee Watch for further developments on the 1953 estival in this news paper Trials or Those Involved Skating Rink racus 29th On Saturday August 29th the trials of Charles Kennedy Robert Harris and Jifumy Thornton all involved in the shooting and cut ting fracas which occurred at the last dance of the coloreel people of this town at the Shelbyville Skating Rink ijOine two month back will be held It is thought that a large num ber of the Negro citizens will be on hand to aid the prosecution in these cases and see that justice is meted out Two men were injured one of them seriously when a pickup truck overturned at 6 pm Tues day on 60 two miles east of Shelbyville According to reports Richard A Blackaby 24 driver 524 Washing ton Street suffered a fractured skull and is in a critical condition at Veterans Hospital Louisville Maurice Sheetz 34 of 819 Main Street lud worked all day at the Airport and Mr Blackaby was giving him a ride home when the accident occurred Sheetz suffered cuts about the bead and arm and bruises on tlie legs He was treated at the King's Daughters Hospital and released According to Sheetz Blackaby lost control of tlie truck and it left the highway and overturned John Dean Dies at Old Masons Home Monday John Dean Mercer County native died Monday at the Old Masons Home where he had lived for three years Surviving are two sons and three daughters all of California and a brother Dave Dean Mercer County The body was sent to Bruner Sims uneral Home at Harrodsburg where funeral seniors were held at 2:30 Tuesday Burial followed in in Spring Hill Cemetery Jf A 7 MISS MARY jlNE WILBORN broadcasts a message over the new radio from Shelbyville district office to a company truck A two way radio system is in Oporalion this week ki the Shelby ville district of Kentucky Utilities Company to give better electric Service by permitting quick com munication between the office and service trucks our trucks located in the dis trict which serves the Shelbyville Taylorsville Eminence LaGrange and Lawrenceburg and New Castle areas have been equipped with sending and receiving units SO servicemen can be in constant com inunlcaticn with the office in Shel 'byville Radio equipment is to be installed soon in five more trucks and in the Taylorsville Eminence and Lawrenceburg offices Niemeier Shelbyville dis trict manager explained that it Is now possible to dispatch repairmen soon as any service trouble is reported The system premises to be particularly valuable in ieases of emergencies which might affect electric service in a wide area He cited as an example the se vere electrical storm August 8th which burned out transformers tn the Emincnte substation took us seven hours to repair all the damage By using the new radio system we would be able to save several hours in a similar sit Mr Niemeier said The rapid communication pro vided by the radio system will lie MJ! 1 Jgv zwra wm i imTr mmi! jitj S' I WW OK A i 111 ffa'UW 'flSir I nsfelEsa ssasoB s' 4: I 2 1 I A It Jr MIWj Ol UMLl Cis Ml ri iii Il Imn MO fir Wi i BRA 81 a asKk 1 i bSSl Rl 1 Wl if 'fl iii tel! MI i mini i a truck City Attorney at 2:30 try Clarence Walker Held or Murder Spencer the Mt entered to the rances Recently Returned rom 10 Months Service 2nd Division In Korea John Smitha Jr atally Injured In Auto Wreck Shelburne Herd Name To Be Known as Popes Corner Allen Clark Shelburne Shelby ville has been given the privilega of the exclusive use of the name as a herd name in registering his purebred Holstein riesian cattle This prefix name is granted and will be recorded by The Holstein riesian Association of America Over 130 prefixes were reserved for breeders in 1952 CORP HARDIN RELEASED ROM PRISON CAMP Corp William Hardin Jr son of William Hardin Hatton was re leased Monday from reedom Village Korea along with a number of other prisoners Corp Hardin was serv ing with the Second Division In Connection of atal Shooting Elmer Maddox Clarence Walker Colored ar rested in connection with the fatal shooting of Elmer Maddox also Colored was held to the grand jury Tuesday on a charge of murder by County Judge Ralph Mitchell Local police found Maddox slumped in a rocking chair on the front porch of home in Martinsville Lite riday night He was unconscious when officers ar rived and died of a bullet wound in the left chest while on the way to the hospital Walker arrested on the scene gave tlie police a 32 caliber re volver and the officers said he told them he shot Maddox because the man was trying to break into his home Walker has worked for some years for Charles Schradski well known business man of Shelbyville NAME CHOSEN Mr and Mrs Kenneth Marshall of Louisville have chosen the name Kenneth Joe for their son born Au gust 4th New City Dump Misused Whether through ignorance or with evil intent it is not known but it was discovered Monday that the new dump south of town had been misused Some time Sunday a dead Holstein cow was placed in the trench there and by the next day it was not necessary to see the carcass to know that something was radically wrong If the one who made this great mistake will if he has another dead animal take it to a render ing plant when fresh dead he will not only be remunerated but will not create a nuisance to peo ple within smelling distance of the garbage disposal site Such an act committed with evil intent will call for strict punishment Mayor Matthews Improving Mayor Robert Matthews who suffered an attack Wednesday night of last week has greatly improved and was at his office a short time yesterday Davis Named Special Circuit Judge In Meade Bernard Davis has been appointed by Chief Jus tice of the Court of Appeals to be Special Circuit Judge in Meade Countv on Yentemoer otn to i two special cases I rpntnwnt The accident occurred on the curve beyond Motel Mr Wainscott in a ord and Mrs Tepiple in a Mercury were both going east According to informa tion obtained Mr Wainscott is al leged to have attempted to pass Mrs car but an ap proaching west bound auto forced him to cut back into the lane side swiping Mrs vehicle The impact crushed tlie right side of car and threw him half out into the highway When police arrived on the scene only his feet were in the car and his body was lying on the pave ment Both cars were badly wrecked Mr Wainscott is survived by (wo daughters Mrs Lucille Crane and Mrs Emrna Lou Whittinghill both of New Albany a sister Mrs A Cartdr ranklin County and two brothers Pat Wainscott Borden Ind and Wainscott Emi nence His body was taken to Rogers uneral Home at rankfort where funeral services were held at 10:30 am Monday Burial followed fa the rankfort Cemetery Heart Attack atal To John Dugan uneral Services Set or 10:30 Tomorrow John Carlisle Dugan(58 long a well known farmer of Shelby County and a veteran of World War I died suddenly of a heart at tack at 2 am yesterday morning at his home near Clarks Station Mr Dugan a native of Jefferson County had resided in Shelby many years He was a son of the late Dr WMC Dugan and was a Sergeant in Company Na tional Guardi own Company in World War I made up of Shelby County boys Mr Dugan served on the Mexican bor der Mr Dugan as he was known to everyone was active in civic and farm affairs and a man of highest integrity Possessed with a likeable disposition he was a loyal friend and an outstanding citizen one who Will be missed by all Surviving are his wife Mrs Kathryn Winlock Dugan his moth er Mrs Elizabeth Haight Dugan brother Clark Dugan Louisville two nephews Commander red Borries Pensacola la William Borries Miami la niece Mrs Robert Herndon Lakeland la uneral services will be held at 10:30 am tomorrow from Shannon uneral Home by the Rev Watts Interment will follow in Grove Hill Cemetery Pallbearers will be Johnson Jack razier Steve Howerton Jr William Howerton William Dale Jr and Louis Cottongim ev Anderson Returns To Local Methodist Church Other Appointments Made At Kentucky Conference Richmond Appointments for Methodist min isters of the Kentucky Conference were announced in Riclimond Sun day by Bishop William Watkins Louisville head of the Methodist Churches in Kentucky and West ern Tennessee More than 2000 persons jammed Hiram Brock auditorium at Eastern Kentucky State College to hear Bishop Watkins announce the ap pointments for the 1953 54 con ference year and preach the con cluding sermon of the an nual Kentucky Conference Rev Robert Anderson returns to Centenary Methodist Church as was expected and desired Coming last year from Big Sandy Parish he has made many friends here and Shelbyville welcomes the return of him and his good family Among other significent changes were the appointments of Rev Harold Dorsey to Prestonsburg to replace Rev Hagird who was transferred to the Ohio Con ference The Rev Igleheart will go from Jenkins to Nicholas ville to succeed Mr Dorsey It was announced that tire Conference would meet at Eastern in Rich mond again next year Simpsonville is also favored with the return of their pastor Rev Robert Jackson and Olive Branch welcomes Rev Gilford Miley who is assigned to them for another year Rockbridge Church which has been devoutly served by Rev Harvey is to be supplied Pleasureville has a new pastor Rev Vallis Hill who replaces Rev A Nunnery who has been there six years Rev Nunnery goes to Ashland Second Church Rev I 1L Schooler remembered by many here returns to Mt Taber and Rev Whealdon pastor of Shelby Circuit several years ago was assigned to Middlesboro irst Church I Scudder known by many here goes from Versailles to Car rollton Curry returns to irst Church in Winchester He has held pastorates in Henry and Spencer Counties Many charge line changes were made in various districts but none in rankfort or Lexington District Miss Martin Suffers Stroke Miss Leona Martin teacher in the Elementary School for many years Suffered a stroke Tuesday of last week and never regained ccnscious nes until Thursday Her condition remains serious John Smitha Jr 22 Mt Eden was injured fatally Monday in an automobile wreck in which another soldier was killed and another in jured Tlie accident occurred 'on 5 about four miles west of Scotia when the car in which they were riding crashed into a tree Smitha and George Billingsley Pittsburgh died in Ellis Hospital Schenectady anil a third soldier Linzia Smith 24 Atlanta was in jured According to reports their car east bound swerved out of control after attempting to pass turning off the highway Smitha a native of County was a member of Eden Bantist Church He the Army in 1950 and had just completed ten months service as cook with the Second Division Korea Besides his wife Mrs Martha Wesley Smitha he is survived by a little son John Howard Smitha his parents Mr and Mrs Mt Eden seven brothers Urshell James Ray and Charles Smitha Shelbyville Smitha Missouri' Estill Smitha Louisville Smitha isherville and LeRoy Smitha Mt Eden three sisters Mrs Lucille Elder Missouri Mrs Christine Jones fissouri and Mrs rances Lisby Mt Eden His body was brought home of his sister Mrs Lisby at Mt Eden and funeral services were conducted at 2:30 this afternoon from Mt Eden Bap tist Church by the Rev Grant Jones assisted by tlie Rev Wayne Ward Interment followed in Grove Hill Cemetery Richardson Takes Part In Naval Training Exercises Among tlie 12000 men who par ticipated in the largest and most ex tensive training exercise since World War II was Orva Richardson seaman USN son of Mr'' and Mrs Orva Richardson of Route 2 Waddy aboard the destroyer USS Uhlmann The exercise was code named DESTRAEX and the units involved made tip Task orce 12 A unit of the irst leet the Task orce con sisted of two cruisers fifteen des troyers four submarines two des troyer tenders and a fleet oiler Cleveland Improving City Clerk Henry Cleveland submitted to a surgical operation at the Kentucky Baptist Hospital in Louisville Thursday of last week He was able to return home Sunday and his condition shows steady im provement Crash On US 60 West Saturday Morning atal To Indiana Man Mrs Wilma Jean Temple Shelbyville Driver of Other Cay Hurt Both Cars Badly Wrecked One person was instantly killed and another injured at 12:30 am Saturday morning in a two car collision on US 60 about two miles west of Shelbyville Simon Lester Wainscott 50 maintenance supervisor at Du iont Plant New Albany Ind according to Coroner Dr A Wahle suffered a fractured skull Mrs Wilma Jean Temple' 31 Shelbyville suffered cuts and bruises The body of Mr Wainscott was taken to Hall Taylor uneral Home and Mrs Temple was taken to the Daughter Hospital for There were no passengers in either car Local Boys Return rom Training With Pacific leet Among the 12000 men who pa ticipated in the largest and most extensive training exercise sipce World War II were Ray Cow herd seaman USN son of Mr and Mrs Cowherd of Shelbyville aboard the heavy cruiser USS Helena and Charles Young boilerman second class USN' son of and Mrs Van Young of Route 3 also of Shelbyville' and husband of Mrs Shirley A Young of Route 2 Eminence aboard the destroyer tender USS Piedmont Two Held To Grand Jury Theft Charge Patrolmen Harold Hawkins and Jake Brummitt arrested two Shelby County men Charles McGill and Miller Hughes in Martinsville Sun day afternoon on charges of theft committed a short time earlier on North Eighth Street It was claimed that between $35 and $40 was taken from a billfold in the home of Mrs Hattie Spraggins while she was in her yard She said she saw two men enter her home and her son notified the police who ar rested Hughes and McGill who they said had $33 in their pos session i At a hearing in police court Mon day they were held to the grand jury and bond of $750 each was set Star Route To Replace Southern Railway Line All mail service on the Southern line through Shelbyville will be discontinued beginning September 1 To replace the Rail way service a new star route sched ule will be operated between here and Harrodsburg serving Waddy Alton Station Lawrenceburg Sal visa and other points The star route truck operated by William Carey of Harrodsburg will leave Shelbyville at 5 am daily except Sunday meeting the high way postoffice truck here a few minutes earlier The star route will carry Louisville and Shelbyville mail to Waddy and points east Heretofore tlie star route truck has been arriving in Shelbyville at 9 am and departing for Harrods burg at 3 pm i Shelby ish Game Club Picnic Lake Shelby 31st The Shelby County ish and Game Club will hold a picnic and fish fry on Monday August 31 at Lake Shelby for club members and their families including their wives and children up to 16 years ood will be served from 3 until 7 pm Games consisting of horseshoes badminton etc Members must bring cards The Club now has over 500 members In case of downpour the picnic will be held Tuesday September 1 Waler Co Complains About City Using Water To Wash Streets City Pays $300 Monthly or ire Hydrants If No Water Is Used Must Pay or Extra Water Says Water Co Tim City Council met last Thursday without the services of Maya Matthews City Attorney Davis or City Clerk Cleveland Tlie Mayor an City Clerk were in the Hospital and the City Attorney was out of town Councilman William Chenault acted as Mayor Councilman Wym Porter took minutes on the meeting and Ben Matthews sat in to render any legal advise as might be needed Councilman Harry Smith reported 'that City employees have been washing down some of the streets but the Kentucky Water ServiceCompany has complained about the use of water The Company said that if this continues they will have to bill the City for the extra water used As tho situation exists now Shelbyville pays the Water Company in excess Three Hundred Dolars each month for having fire hydrants available Even if no water is used the monthly fee still must be paid Two ordinances were given their second reading and passed last Thursday The first concerned sett ing a connection fee of $15 per year for Rural Sewer Connectors Those people that are already connected er anyone wishing to connect in the future should file an application te use the facilities with Collector Treasurer Grider Barnett Hie rules and regulations of the new Dump site were approved in the other ordinance Councilman Puckett and Porter were put on a committee to investigate proper covering for trucks hauling garbage and trash so that the City streets will not become littered Police Chief Roy Jones reported that he has not picked up any speed ing violators during the past two wetks Tr 'i tafC "sw flW 1 Mk a.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.